
Do you have any kids??

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Do you have any kids??




  1. Yup, 5 girlies, ages 22-13  

  2. I have one baby girl(addison michelle) on the way!

  3. I have one on the way! Ya!

  4. I have an 18 month old girl named Kiera. She is my angel, my inspiration, my everything. Do you?

  5. 7y/o boy and 7 month old daugter and love them!!!

  6. yes, 1 child, an 11 yr old

  7. yes 2 angels..and why do you want to know? dont you have?

  8. yep :)

    Kristina (4)

    Monique (18 months)

    Nicola (18 months)

    and im pregnant with Jennifer who is due in December!

  9. My first, a son.

    I plan to have another in a couple years.

    I highly recommend it.

    It's the best thing I've ever done!

  10. No... Not even married...  

  11. Six.  A sergeant who's training troops to go to Iraq and Afganistan at Fort Dix.  A computer hardware engineer.  A manager at a fast food franchise.  A delivery man for an auto parts outlet.  Another sergeant who's an Army MP on his second deployment in Iraq.  And my youngest just entered grad school in Virginia.  

  12. Yeah, I have a 4m munchkin. He's cute but a handful.  

  13. yes my wonderful 14 month old son... my pride and joy of my life

  14. Yes I have 6 3 boys and 3 girls....12,10,8,7,2 and 3mo old  

  15. I have 3- a girl (14), and 2 boys (13 & 2 months).

  16. yes

  17. A sweet 3 month old baby girl, Zoey Madyson. I love her more than life.

  18. 2 girls

  19. I have two teenage boys from a previous relationship, two twin boys with my current wife who are almost 10, we also have a son who is nearly 6 and a daughter who has just turned 4. So Im a father of six wonderful kids.  

  20. I sure do! And I love them more than anything in this world! I have a 4yr old son and a 2yr old daughter!!!!

  21. yup, an 11 week old son

  22. Just one
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