
Do you have any memory that gives strength to you even in your darkest times?

by  |  earlier

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any incident that gives u strength to go on...

thnx :)




  1. Rather its thoughtlessness which gives me more strengths as all memories lead to some kind of known or unknown fears.

    I prefer to have no memory to venture any kind of times, dark, hard, tough or thins.



  2. my memories ,chats ,talks with my always gave me my darkest time.................ever....

  3. My Mother died in 1991, it was a crushing event for me. But I find now that when I am down I picture her smile in my mind and I feel better. Great question BTW

  4. what dark times?

  5. This prayer:

    May God grant me the courage to change what I can.

    The strength to endure what I cannot change.

    And the wisdom to know the difference.


  6. Yes, i was involved in a car accident, broke, 4 toes and i had an head, collision and were out for couple of minutes, when i woke up i was in the hospital, my head  was fine but  my toes hurt so badly, that i could hardly walk ed i became  irritated and depressed and stay 4 days in the hospital because two of my bones were sticking out, and  i needed surgery, i cried alot because of the pain, my grand daughter got so sad to see me like that, and told me she loves me and started to pray , every thing went fine, ia'm recovering, with hope for tomorrow, thanks to the faith of a five year old who happens  to be my sweet dear little grand-daughter Emerie-joi, who gave me some hope and strength in a dark-period of my life...take care.

  7. Nope, nothing can help you in dark times(or bad times) except your self confidence. You won't get anything from just thinking of some memories or something as this makes the situation even more worst.

  8. No incident, just escape

  9. ...the meeting of my wife, many times over...thanks for asking...

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