
Do you have any paranormal gifts?Do you believe in the paranormal?Explain?

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Do you have any paranormal gifts?Do you believe in the paranormal?Explain?




  1. Yes and Yes. I have weak telepathy, I have to be close to someone to pick up from them. I have strong future and distance reading. I am also a strong medium. I believe totally in the paranormal. I am a ghost hunter, hoping to make it my profession.

  2. Yes, I do know that exist this kind of paranormal things. I experienced some of them. But I do not believe in Magic. Magic, it is not a God ways to show things to people. Demons involve men to do magic, when they open doors to them, to do this kind of things. This is against God's will.

    I have some kind of gifts from the Lord God, since I became a true Christian. Since I gave my life to Jesus Christ. He told me to write everything that he says to me, shows me, and make me hear. A Pastor told me the same thing. This was a confirmation for me to believe that God was who talked to me. I can see in the spirit things that are going to happen, accidents, I can hear the Lord talking to me, an even evil spirits, people when they have conversation about some trouble. I have seen the Lord Jesus Christ many times. I have been in heaven in a dream, I have seen myself flying as high as an Airplane, seeing  the ocean, the mountains, and many other things, etc.  Believe it or not. I am a seer. of the Lord. I was studying a Master in Theology, and I ask the Lord to give me the title for me to do my Tisis. One morning when I woke up, I heard the Lord saying to me, to write about the Plane of the Lord and His principles. The whole day he talked to me and dictated to me a long poem.  I did not know how to make a Tisis, but He gave me the words. I did it. I passed my Tisis and I was graduated. A book of five chapters with 62 pages. Thank God. Unbelievable for those that can not believe. I love my Lord Jesus Christ. He is my Master. I can write many books of the miracles and my experiences during all this years with the Lord.

    The meaning of Paranormal:

       Paranormal = Adjetive (para + normal), designating  or of psychic or mental phenomena outside the range of the normal.

    God bless you always.

  3. Yes. I have the gift of skeptikinesis. When I am present, all supernatural activity comes to a complete stop.

  4. I believe I am gifted with ESP, I am also a ghosthunter. (i research the paranormal.

  5. I don't have a paranormal "gift" but i have reasons to believe that  some people do. A lot of psychics do have it. Some psychics even help the police to solve crimes and that is a fact.

  6. I have metaphysical gifts, believe in metaphysics and accept the paranormal.

  7. Seeing things that aren't there is not a "gift", it's a mental disorder.

    Second sight?  Try first sight.  It's a helluva lot more useful.

  8. I am between the fans of practical gifts- as f.e. if one get in bus and has a heavy luggage and very needs to sit- if he could imagine the common aura in the bus, to concentrate on its center and ask all sitting people in the bus in mind "Hey, who is geting out on next station?"   and receive a telepathic  orientation where to stay for sitting ...may be this is para-/ for now/ and normal for the future humans.

  9. I would not consider myself to have any paranormal gifts.  Everyone has what they need in life.  Do I believe in the paranormal?  Well, I can say I believe things that are considered paranormal by others, but I would not consider them paranormal.  From a scientific study, it is said that if you trap a fly in a box, that becomes their reality after a some time.  If you tie an elephant to a tree, their captivity becomes their reality after some time.  Likewise, the paranormal is nothing more than a reality outside of the box in my opinion.  Think of something out of the ordinary, something that cannot be proven by science.  Most people would perceive that as magic.  But to some, thats also reality.

    Edit: Going back to the gifts.  Are some people clairvoyant?  You can either say yes or you can say no, but sure enough, some of them are quite accurate at seeing things.  Are phychics real?  Again, same thing, sometimes they are incredibly accurate.  Can people see ghosts, can people see dreams?  What do you believe?  What we are conditioned through in life is duality, that which is normal, and that which is paranormal.  That which is good, and that which is bad.  That which is reality, and that which is dillusion.  Most people only use about 5% of the human mind, but be sure to look in the open, and see what is out there.


  10. I Belive Im Psychic But If I Am It Still Hasent Developed. And Yes I Belive Is Paranormal Activity

  11. I think I have special gifts. Paranormal things seem to happen all around me. At least I think they are paranormal. I'm not sure.

  12. No.  I believe in God.

  13. Personally, I don't believe it to be a "paranormal" gift.  I believe that all of us hold some latent psychic abilities...just at different levels.  I am a paranormal investigator and a sensitive.  I am not a medium.  I can sense the energy that a spirit is using to try and manifest or communicate and I use that ability to locate areas to study and gather evidence.  I got into the paranormal field due to my own personal experiences.  Things that I have encountered on investigations and hunts only further expands upon my belief in the paranormal.

  14. one thing is for sure that we don't know many things . the more we learn the more we understand we don't know! we don't use our brain to it's full potentials not even half way. i think the string theory is correct and there is really eleven dimensions . we only see four dimensions so far .

  15. Define paranormal  =P

    I think we underestimate our abilities as humans, so who knows- we could have the ability to do all sorts of things.

    (I know the conventional definition of paranormal...but what is normal? What is not?)

  16. I have no paranormal gifts.

    Do I believe in the paranormal?  No, I believe in the normal and the real (i.e. reality).  I do not believe in magic.  I do not believe in any claim that is made without supporting data.  If something can't be experienced , recorded, observed or measured then in my opinion no one has any right to make an assertion it exists.

    Gut feeling, intuition, "just knowing" and any other subjective means of describing a phenomenon or event just isn't good enough.  There are myriad ways to describe events that seem paranormal--confirmation bias, coincidence, pareidolia, sleep paralysis, etc.--all of which do not require the existence of some magical parallel universe in order for them to be true.

  17. I had a paranormal gift but I denied it when I was in my early 20s because if caused me too much emotional pain.  It is not easy to see or feel the horrible things that are going to happen.  It took a while but I was able to close my mind to those visions.  I was not able to stop them when I was young.


  18. I have the sixth sense.  My main gift is that I can see dead people/spirits/animals.  I can see them, but I have a hard time with communication with them.  

    I can also touch objects and be able to read them.  I can tell who first owned them.

    I am telepathic.  I can read minds.  And its disturbing sometimes.  I know when others are thinking bad about me even though they may be acting all sweet and nice.

    Future world events are shown to me in dreams, though very vaguely.  I predict that the next great disaster to hit the US, that is going to kill 20x more people than "9-11", is going to be an enormous tidal wave hitting the eastern US coast line.  Where?  When?  I haven't been told that yet.  But its going to happen and its going to be BAD.  If I had to guess, I would say this is going to happen sometime within the next 5 years.

    I CAN'T guess lotto numbers, I can't put you in contact with your dead grandmother, I can't tell you at what age you are gong to die.  But I can tell you what spirits are around you or in your home, I can tell you what you think of me, I can tell you that I am so tired that I am falling asleep, I will come back and write more tomorrow night, I have to go to bed.

  19. None that I know of.I do have a gift for spotting BS.That's why I don't believe in the paranormal.

  20. Do I believe in the paranormal? I do now. ;) Explain? See below. I became a believer when I felt one.

    Do I have any paranormal gifts? Yeah. I'm first and foremost clairsentient (feeling), telepathy goes along with this one, but also have clairaudience (hearing) and clairvoyance (this one's my weakest gift), am also a medium and a spiritual healer. Still learning to use them, but yeah, I became a believer when I started to be able to feel spirits around me. I can't see them, tho, except out the corner of my eye.

    Love and light

  21. People who feel things bump in the night all the time are not insane. I say again they are not insane.

  22. No and no. The Dark Ages were long ago, but unfortunately much of the mysticism and irrational fear has persisted to the present day. I have no desire to return to the Dark Ages.

  23. I used to be the ultimate skeptic, even though my granny used to read my tea leaves all my life. My granny lived a long ways away so I didn't see her that much. When I got older I decided to pay her a visit and get her to read my tea leaves and to record the reading. She gave me a very detailed reading. Not just a person is walking up to you. It is a detailed description of the persons gender, clothing,what they're doing or talking about. Things from the reading began occuring the next day.Its a long list of things that I won't go into. One thing however is she said I'de be travelling back home and that it would be pretty dicey due to a storm with torrential downpoor and lightning, several mentions of the lightning. But she said everthing would come out okay.

    So shortly after I left several days later sure enough a storm hit. My piece of c**p broncos heater stopped working and my wipers didn't work very well. To test the theory I went alot faster then I would normally under the conditions.As I got close to Chilliwack I said to myself Hmmm I made no problem like she said I would, but not so much as a l**k of lightning, she was wrong about that.Just as I was thinking this whoosh lightning hits a tree not more than 50 yards away. Since then I believe at least my granny has a gift. My dad also mentioned that he can see some of what she see's as well' plus he can water witch very well. I've tested others who claimed to have simulkar abilities plus listening to them tv and found them to be frauds.

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