
...Do you have any phobias...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Um I have a fear of raw meat but I don't know what thats called.

  2. Yes...............

  3. arachnophobia  

  4. butterflies

  5. Cameras, dead people, thought of what's under the surface of the ocean. Losing my eyesight/hearing/hands/feet. lol

    And I don't wanna lose any more people who mean the most to me!!


  6. No.

  7. arachnophobia....... big time. I almost lost my leg at the hip because of a spider bite, so now I'm terrified of them.

    And I'm also terrified of earwigs (though they're harmless,) squids and octopi, and centipedes...

    I'm also phobic about ladders. Being on one myself, or just being around someone who is on one.... I get so scared! IT's not the height, it's just because it's a ladder....

    I think I fell off one when I was a kid or something, so I'm afraid of them now.

  8. I think I have decidophobia.Whenever I have to make me a decision I'll just totally freak out,my mind goes blank,& I'll sometimes cry,even if the decision is very very silly...=]

  9. yea insects  

  10. elavators

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