
Do you have any phobias/things you are petrified of?

by  |  earlier

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What are they and what do you dislike about them?




  1. stray dogs and "taong grasa"

  2. Alot of things! My main 2 at the mo' are people touching there veins! Incase they pop ?:S  and stray dogs...or dogs off there leads, i freak out! I once jumped up on a fence because a dog was running down the street because they've got teeth haha :|! x

  3. I am scared of the dark.  I hate walking into a room that is dark and I hate going to the bathroom in the middle of the night if someone turned out the hall light.  It feels silly since I am a grown woman, but I can't help it I don't feel safe in the dark.

  4. Sounds silly but I am petrified of slugs and snails!they absolutely terrify me I think it may be due to the fact I used to stand on them a lot when I lived in my previous home it was damp so I used to get them in and out of the house...Id wake in the morning and there would be trails in my kitchen...gross!

    anyway I cant talk about them anymore just thinking about them is making me feel sick!!

  5. Spiders they have loads of legs

    Bugs and beetles they are fast and creepy

    Rats they have long tails and big teeth

  6. Wasps... I have terrible phobia of wasps.  The worst thing is that thing they do with their abdomen when it moves up and down... even thinking about it is making my skin crawl!

  7. penniaphobia

  8. Fire----- what a horrible thought ,

  9. I am totally petrified of injections/needles.  I can't look at pictures of them or have one anywhere near me.  Hate them.  I've had six teeth taken out without injection.  I would rather deal with the pain than have a needle anywhere near me.  When I was kid a nurse gave me an injection and would not take the needle out of my arm until I had counted to 100.  B***h!  Since that day I have not had another.


    the toenails scare meee and theres just too many toes and the smell is gross

    also blood, just how slimey it is and how much pain it causes, iv fainted over a splinter once lol

  11. This is really weird but i have a fear of bananas. I break out in a sweat when i smell them and if i see someone eating them i have to get away fast!

    This guy got on the tube once and he was eating one and i nearly passed out. My friends had to hold me up till the next stop.

  12. I don't care for the dark.

    But I'm really afraid of wasps and hornets. I lose it if one comes near me. I've never been stung but anything that can fly has an advantage that I don't!

  13. Spiders... they are just plain creepy, eight legs, hairy and can come out of nowhere on a web or just crawling around, yuck!

  14. cockroaches....because I learned it from my parents!

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