
Do you have any planets in Aquarius?

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Which one(s)?

Does it influence you in any specific way?




  1. my mercury is in aquarius. it helps me communicate about anything with ease and intelligence. it makes me sociable and communicative. i make friends easily with this placement.

  2. yes. my uranus is in aquarius.

    it makes me strive to be different. i dress differently. i act differently. my interests are kinda...different.

    it also makes me detached, and i don't do well with affection except with my friends.

  3. The Moon, Sun, and Mercury. It makes independent as you can get.

  4. My sun and rising sign are both in Aquarius.  I am eccentric, progressive and a humanitarian.  I always want to be unique and I find it amusing to upset the status quo.  I am also extremely opinionated and I get easily annoyed by vey narrow minded people.

  5. I have Mars.. I  find ways to  be  original.. I rebel  when I feel I'm boxed in.  I also have aspects to Uranus which would indicate this.

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