
Do you have any planets in Capricorn?

by Guest31639  |  earlier

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Which one(s)?

Does it influence you in any specific way?




  1. Yes, I have two planets in Capricorn. My Rising sign is Capricorn and my Mars is in Capricorn. I think it influences me a great deal. I'm very practical and reserved, but very ambitious. I'm an achiever and a hard worker. I respect success! I'm very persistent and will not give up no matter what. I find a way to do or get things no matter how long it takes or how hard it is. I have a good earthy sense of humor that carries me through when times really do get tough. I'm purposeful, self-willed, industrious, realistic, and responsible.

    I'm extremely ambitious and I'm willing to work very hard to reach the goals I have set for myself. I'm very practical, cautious, and conservative and I demand tangible results for my efforts, I need to excel in whatever I do I have the required sense of responsibility, dedication, and self-discipline to bring it about.

    I'm a Sagittarius!

  2. Well, I, like the rest of my generation, have a Cap stellium in Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. I do feel it's influences, yes, particularly in Saturn. I am ambitious, and hard working when it comes to my goals. I take my responsibilities very seriously, and do not like to mess around with my future.  

  3. moon in capricorn-reserved and easily depressed....but i am the kind of person that will stick by someone no matter what. i also actually dont mind going to work-gives me a sense of accomplishment.

  4. I have Neptune.. It's my ascendant's ruler, on the 10th.. It's a generational planet but having it in the 10th accounts for my slightly ambiguous personality.

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