
Do you have any planets in Libra?

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Which one(s)?

Does it influence you in any specific way?




  1. hehe - kind of like Astrological spamming. (joke - well, sort of)

    Looks like someone is looking for some info about the members/posters here? Not sure how helpful that is to the poster in learning Astrology? Guess I don;t get it ;))

    Sorry..if you could clarify how my answer would help you in personal development - I would feel more comfortable answering

  2. I have libra rising with pluto in libra in my ascendant and yes the way it influences me is that i feel the need to be in a relationship,and with pluto in the first house i am very intense,and can get obsessed with things quick.

  3. I have Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Libra. I'm also a Sun Libra.

    I wouldn't say it influences me, it just reinforces my Libra traits and dominates other aspects of my chart so other positions won't have major influences.

  4. A planet question for every sign in the zodiac. : )

    Yes, I have my Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Ascendant all in Libra. I feel it's influence in the way that I am able to see all sides of an issue, and always weigh the pros and cons of a given situation. I'm also quite charming, and poised in social situations. I can be quite argumentative, especially if someone presents a view I see as extreme and without validity and research behind it. I enjoy the finer things in life, and am definitely a pleasure seeker. However, I am not afraid of conflict, and I have no problem making unpopular decisions if need be. I am strong-willed, and a fighter if crossed.  

  5. Wow! a planet question series..

    I have my sun in Libra.. Most of what is said about it is true for me..except some. I'm not a social Libra.. I have my own world.. I also like arguments, people fighting each other etc.. What  is  true for me is that  I  can see both sides of an argument. I also know how to compromise.

  6. Yes, I have 3 planets in Libra:

    Jupiter- Libra

    Saturn - Libra

    Pluto - Libra

    I do think all 3 influences me. I'm generally good at balancing opinions and judging issues, but I tend to be indecisive when it comes to making up my own mind. I have very aesthetic tastes that are very refined, but expansive and expensive. It takes me a while to make decisions and I usually consider all sides to a question, all the pros and cons, but when I come up with a solution it's usually the right one. I'm very reserved and shy but once I make a commitment to someone whether in business or personal relationship the partnership is forever. I have a very strong sense of justice and fair play. These are just some of the ways I think Libra influences me!

    I'm a Sagittarius!

  7. I have my Mars and Mercury in this position.

    My Mercury in Libra- I am very diplomatic and I do try to see all the possible sides to a situation.

    With my Mars in Libra, I tend to bottle my anger up. I can be lazy, but active when I want to be.

  8. I have 2 Planets in Libra (my Ascendant) which are Saturn and Pluto , and those two are the most influential Planets in my chart.

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