
Do you have any psychic abilities?

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I've been struggling with my short-term memory and I've been torturing myself trying to remember this one word now for two weeks.

10 points to person who can use their psychic abilities to tell me what it is.




  1. yes, i can read my own mind.

  2. You don't need to be a psychic to know that the one word you have sought for

    two weeks



  3. intelligence?

  4. Antidisestablishmentarianism

  5. I had a feeling you would finally get online and post this question.  Take a nap, and it will come to you.

  6. question

  7. flugelhorn

  8. Gullible

  9. I know psychic abilities in humans is too much on a debate, but it's been in animals since the dawn of time and with simple tricks that us humans lack.

    Sharks can detect hurricanes due to their pressure sensitive pits that uses electric pluses for hunting.

    Elephants will uses infrasound for mating calls or, like what happened in 2004 disaster, tsunamis.

    Dogs has some of the same senses as humans, but theirs are more sensitive.

  10. Whatever.

  11. One of the problems with our society it that we want others to give us the answers, find the solutions for us and generally take responsibility for giving us what we want, when we want it. If we focus on others giving us the answers, then when they don't , we can blame them. This is just an elaborate ploy for us to avoid taking full responsibility for ourselves.

    Things to try to find your word for yourself:

    Open a book, any book, at any page and see if what is written there inspires you to remember.  

    Doodle. Use a pen and paper and see if you can "draw" imagery that triggers the word.

    Listen carefully to other people. Really listen. Expect to get a reminder of the word in what other people say to you.

    These are just some simple and easy ways of inspiring your own intuition, your own psychic skills. Don't rely on others, do for yourself.

  12. We may not know what SadButTrue was thinking of, but we sure do know what spirit_guide has on her mind :)

    As for SadButTrue's word, I'm going with "credulous".

  13. It's so sad that you can't even give those psychics a description or a clue to start with. I would think even a psychic would need more than a screen name.

  14. Leviathan.

  15. Rachel, Raachelll, RRRaaaaaeeeechaaaalll...

  16. Telepaths are rare, even among the psi community. And no psi is going to get some word stuck in the back of your head unless you would like to get scanned, and that can be a very unpleasant experience.

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