
Do you have any psychotic in laws?

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Boy, I am marrying into one heck of a family! It's not so much the family as it is the husbands and wives of them. There is one in particular that drives me NUTS. She is a pathological lying, selfish brat, and I have no idea what to do about her! I am getting married soon, and moving out of the country so luckily I won't be near her, but as of now, there is NO way of escaping. So does anyone have any good stories of examples of a crazy family member?




  1. I think everyone has family members that they consider psychotic, annoying, disgusting, or whatever (add any negative adjective here.) You have to remember that you are marrying your husband, not his family. Just avoid said SIL at all costs. :)

    My in laws are out there but not psychotic. They're just different. I don't get along with some of them a lot of the time, but that's what you have to expect when you get married. *sigh* At least that's what I keep telling myself....

  2. Everyone has at least one.

    The best you can do is try to stay out of their range, and make sure you don't let them have your address or phone number.

    If they tend to show up, make sure you grab your purse and look like you are heading out to an appoointment in a hurry.

    If they call, you time them out at about 5 minutes and make a lame-o excuse to hang up.

    You don't lend them ANYTHING.

  3. And if you move back near them later?

    These will be your in laws til death do you part.

    If you catch her in a lie,tell her about it and say"you know all liars are going to have their part in the lake of fire don't you?"

    Or "It's your lie,I'll let you tell it your way".

  4. One of my SIL is f--king nuts. I keep my distance and am glad I'm not the one that lives with her. I can tolerate her for about 2 seconds.  

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