
Do you have any "unfinished business" that might keep you from "crossing over"?

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Seem like if we did...we'd know about it now and try to fix it before we die. Or are there things we don't realize until we die? What are your ideas about this?




  1. *blank*

  2. I owe back taxes. The IRS will never let me cross over till they are paid.

  3. I know I have unfinished business.  But I am a pacifist and generally scared of confrontation.  So what am I going to do?  Wait til I pass and hope my ghost is braver than I am.

    No, I am not a freak or a physco.  Just a cool chic who knows where she stands.

    Hope this gives you some insight.

  4. Deenie I am a compulsive worrier. If I passed on I think worrying about my kids would keep me bound to earth - I wouldn't want to spook them but just being around them knowing they were safe would make me feel better.

  5. I guess we all put things off thinking that we will get to it later. I think I would stay around for awhile, maybe go see some places then head out.

  6. well no not right now.

  7. As long as we are completely ready to go when our time comes, then I don't think anyone would have any unfinished buisness.  I think that the majority of spirits are here because they have not given their whole heart and soul to Jesus Christ, and therefore will not let go of their worldly possessions, ie. a house, an object, a person.  Even a person who dies suddenly or violently, but still believes in Christ and has accepted Him as their saviour will not be bound to this world.  Or perhaps someone is not accepting the fact that they are dead, so they will refuse to move on.  those are my honest opinions.

  8. I am not answering very many questions anymore from the paranormal forum, but I will answer this one. I have no unfinished business left. All my kids are 18 and older, I have made peace with my maker, and at this point there is nothing else further to do or prove. Everyday from here on is just icing on the cake. In many ways I made my mark on this planet, accomplished far more than I ever thought I would have. So I would have no reason not to cross over when the time comes. It is my understanding I will have a long sleep though, since nobody goes anywhere until judgement day. and a lot of stuff has to happen before I meet my maker and answer for whatever I did or did not do in my physical life.

  9. There is will aways be unfinished business in my soul.

    Whether I will be able to cross over when I pass, well that remains to be seen.  lol

  10. Another great question and many great points in your advice Deenie..

    If a person lives their life honestly, then I would not worry about not crossing over. Sometimes life gets in the way and we are forced to do things out of charachter... the guilt from the acts commited might be too much to bear. Sometimes one second of your life is soul altering. In example, a person who was distracted for one second and hits  a pedestrian while driving their  car.... maybe they just looked away for a split second and that second changes their entire life and the way they feel about everything. Hard to say what makes some people not want to move to the light and leave this world behind.

  11. I've been thinking about whether we exist in other dimensions as well while we exist in these. If string theory is right, there could be as many as eleven dimensions. If parts of us continue to exist after we are no longer animated in our familiar dimensions, we might already be partly there. That may help any crossing over that needs to be done. I also was toying with some ideas involving quantum entanglement, but they aren't developed enough to go into now.

  12. If people declare what 'unfinished business" they have the other will know from what to prevent themselves - so this will aditionalyy obstract to  finish with all.

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