
Do you have any reciepes to get a horse to sweat? my horse doesn't sweat, which is life threatening!?

by  |  earlier

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my ex-racehorse no longer sweats in the summer. he will sweat in the winter and so i run barrels on him. in the summer he quits sweating. i was wondering if anybody else has had a horse like this. we are giving him used coffee grounds, salt, gatorade, and one ac. if anybody else has had this problem, and knows a reciepe to give him, i would appreciate it if you gave me the ingredients. i will check with the vet to see if that would be okay for him. they don't know what else would work because this has worked for all the other horses that have had it. the vet did a test that prooved that he was capable of sweating, we just have to find a reciepe to get his sweat glands activated in the summer. thanks in advance




  1. Chili powder... you feed it to him. Just a little though. Mix it in with his feed.

  2. well i would call the vet and ask if all these things are okay for him but i would try what Amy s said. but Good luck with your horse. Sabrina

    P.S. i sent you and email about 2 min ago. and my email is

  3. Check 0ut this page.

  4. There are certain supplements that you can give them- there are some in State Line Tack, and probably others, but theyre for horses that don't sweat enough at all. But maybe you could just give it in the summer? I dont know of any home remedies for this, though.

  5. For our non-sweaters, we use One AC and beer. We've tried many combos, and this is the one that has been most effective. Use the One AC as directed (twice a day in their feed) and add a can/bottle of beer to it.  The best beer is Guiness Extra Stout. Sam Adams (dark??) also works. You're looking for something with lots of hops. The darker the better. Use this recipe, and you can also try acupuncture. We've had great success with that as well. Good luck. I know that as a horse owner it's awful to see your horse feeling so miserable. Hope this helps.

    Oh, and of course make sure to keep a fan on him all the time and hose him off as necessary. I'm sure you already do that though :)

  6. i don't know what to give them to promote sweating, but feeding a horse watermelon, the rind or flesh, prevents heat stroke. so until you fix the sweating problem you could feed him watermelon.

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