
Do you have any regrets in your life?

by Guest10969  |  earlier

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Even a tiny one?




  1. none whatsoever

  2. yup, being bad to my grandma

  3. several

  4. Umm yes, many.

  5. yes. ofcourse. everyone does. agree?

    if u dont have any regrets then your not a human.

  6. ya but they are to personal to put out here

  7. yeah plenty

  8. Dude, i'm always remembering past decisions that i regret making. Mostly they're the embarrassing kind that in retrospect make you want to physically slap yourself for actually going through with it.

  9. I guess the only thing I regret is that I didn't visit Lebanon earlier than I did.

    To some extent it was beyond my control but I still feel a sense of loss & missed opportunity.

    On the positive side , I am now determined to make up for lost time !

  10. to disappoint my parents.. lowest point in my life..

  11. i have many

    right now a tiny or biggish one is talking to my friends mom on the phone last night lol she doesnt speak english so i had to speak arabic i couldnt hear her and i couldnt even conjure up a sentence so i made such a fool outta myself lol i regret opening my big fat mouth!!!

  12. I regret wasting my time on the wrong people

    I regret not following my dream major

    I regret being with some one before the other

    I regret not doing the things i like (cause of diff circumstances)

    I regret things that happened to me that i could have avoided... only if ... !!!

    I regret not seizing every moment ... Time is so precious

  13. yes reading this

  14. yes i have regrets.. i wont' mention any here though :P

  15. My mom died when I was 19...I left the hospital for a couple of hours to run home for a bit...she passed away while I was gone. I have always felt selfish and have always tried to be mindful since then that no matter what, I have the rest of my life to take care of personal stuff...others don't always have the luxury of extra time. I'm sorry mom..I hope you know I love you, still.

  16. oooooooooooooofff! need more than hand fingers in this.....

  17. everyone has regrets TRUST ME i have a stupid small regret like when i cut my hair short i regretted it BAD but it grew again so im fine now lol :D good question

  18. Marrying my x wife

  19. of course, everyone does..................the only difference is how many, and the depth of the regret................

  20. i let my love go !!

  21. Yes, everyone would.

    Nobody is actually perfect..

  22. Not telling my mother goodbye...

  23. Yes I have

  24. Yes I have. Lots of them. I still blame myself for my mistakes. Do es anyone know any way to get over this? Thanks!

  25. so many, so much to regret.

  26. yea but what can u do? just move on with ur life

  27. of course...everyone does

    but get over em! thats all i can say..

    unless there is a way to make up for it

  28. Yes...... I have childhood, as a teen, now as an adult.... in each phase of my life I have had many regrets.....

  29. not being there enough when people really needed me =[

  30. no I actually don't...I mean you might have regrets but if you moved on abt them and you're fine then it's OK

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