
Do you have any relatives who were married more then six times?

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Do you have any relatives who were married more then six times?




  1. No

  2. The most is 4.... but started at a young age and is now 57.

    Several bad decisions along the way, and one only lasted 7 months.... so actually not so bad..........

  3. My wider family is a strange breed , we do it once!!!

    So far I have 27 years in, How my lady has put up with me I dont know, guess I must have some redeeming factors

    Life is Good

  4. Out of all of my family only three have ben married more than grandmother-married twice, a deceased aunt-married twice.....and myself, married twice (still married & happily, too) One for each generation on my mother's side of the family...not bad for a large family. I have 22 first cousins,I am the only twice married one, all the others who are married (21 of 'em) are still in their first marriage.

    on my father's side there are very few relatives, and as far as I know, as is typical in irish catholic families, no divorces.

  5. No I don't

  6. My aunt has 8 legitimate marriages, and 3 questionable ones. We call her Liz Taylor :)

  7. Heck no. Nobody more than twice.

  8. well, my mother in law been married 4 times.  s**t.

  9. Weddings..

    all they do is drink at weddings, I don't drink & they play music that I don't like.

    Whats the purpose?

    No I do not have relatives fitting that description Sir..

    One would imagine they must be very good at it after that much practice.

    All the best.

  10. I don't know anyone who's been married over 4 times--even that is too many.

  11. I think so, but there is no actual proof of the last two marriages ever taking place, so it may have just been a common-law deal for the last two.

  12. my mum's godmother got married 4 times (she's currently 85) and she has been dating this guy for 2 years now...

    maybe its time for another wedding!

    isn't it kinda hard imagining your mum's godmother or your grandmother dating another guy?

    its kind of a weird feeling.

    but i hav a good feeling about the bloke... he seems nice

  13. No but I know a guy that none really knows how many times he was married 10 I can verify. Even his mother lied about that one she showed me a photo album by accident and I counted 9 different pictures of different wifes ha she kept saying oh that was his wife so in so oh that was his next wife lol I liked that one. Yea, well guess what he asked me to marry him I said no and about 3 weeks later he married someone else. Yes, as you pretty much guessed the guy is dead now.

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