
Do you have any rituals before your basketball game?

by  |  earlier

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i usually get Mcdonalds with my teammates and then just chill and listen to music.




  1. My basketball team we go to chilies or apple b's to eat then we go to one of there houses and listen to rap and sit on the couch, then go to the game

  2. I play my cool jams on my ipod and get ready to beat the other team.

  3. we got together and clapped a beat and sang lean on me in the locker room

  4. When I used to play basketball, my teammates and I ate at Mcdonalds or Pollo loco and played in the kid playground until we got kicked out. And right before the game we all danced to Party Up by DMX. =)

  5. I take a c**p.

  6. ya i go into the other team's locker room and slam my head into all their lockers

  7. my team sits in the locker room in the dark and listens to stupid music that nobody likes but we listen to it anyway

    how the heck did I get a thumbs down, I just said what we did. wtf

  8. I drink out of an olive garden kids cup

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