
Do you have any siblings? ;Jealousy?

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I am. She is thin, with the pear shapd body. She is pretty, an everyone likes hers. She isnt smart; smart, but does pretty ok. She makes friends pretty easy, always gets compliments on how pretty or thin she is. On facebook, she signs in and has 11 new friend requests, and to some people she doesnt even know. One of the request was a friend of mine who didnt even accept my request yet. ;/ I'm just the smart one. I ask people one word to describe me. they go smart. im like nothing else? "uhhhh. -long pause- trustworthy???" someone did that! im always getting sympathy compliments. I'm not thin like my sister, not as tall or maybe near pretty. im 1-2 inches off her height (but look shorter than she, i think i have a short torso), atheltic type legs, and a curvy upper body (not fat since curvy means fat im guessing) No one sends me friend requests, i dont get as much compliments as her, and im "too smart" i dont want to be known as smart anymore :/ i want to make friends easily like her, and stuff..but im just in her shadow.




  1. You shouldn't care and feel bad about that. Try to make your own friends and don't feel jealous at her because it's not a good feeling. I would say it's destructive. You should try to be yourself and the most important thing is to be a good girl. Most people respect or admire when they meet a good girl.  

  2. i have 6 sisters yes there is a lot of jelousy but never about how the other looked always about who gets the most attention !lol

  3. Aww it's ok because who knows if when you get older you will look like her. It is ok to be smart i wish i could be smarter then my sister i would always talk about it. Well What you just told me made me think about my sister because I'm the skinny one and i have a face book to and i get a lot of request it made me think of me. I think that you should be you and don't worry what other people think. So what if she gets 1000 request. Your smart that's a good thing. You can get far in life from being smart you cant go as far by looking pretty..Try to get a job and you not knowing math or how to read they wouldn't want you. What you going to say but I'm pretty?

    i wish you luck and i think it doesn't matter how pretty you r sister is... Talk to her maybe she can help you out tell her Whats on your mind... Maybe ask her for a makeover that could be fun.

  4. I have 3 younger brothers.  We all get along just fine.  We all have something the other doesn't but we also share a lot of common interests so we get along pretty well for the most part.  No jealousy.

    I once dated a girl who was a knock-out but not very smart.  Her younger sister was shorter, heavy, and not very good looking.  But because of that, she excelled in being smart.  Really cool to talk to, but yes if I saw her on the street I would have never said a word.  What happened?

    Well the girl I was dating ended up doing stupid things and started to s***w up her life after our relationship ended.  Her sister, meanwhile, continued to live a decent life and met a really great guy.  One that even made the girl I was dating jealous because of all the rotten guys she kept hooking up with.

    So hang in there.  It isn't always about looks.

    As a wise pimp once said, "All beauty and no brain, can drive a decent guy insane."

  5. Honey, remember looks fade but brains are forever. My favorite comedian says that you can fix everything: looks, eyesight, hearing. but you just can't fix stupid! I know you want to be seen as pretty and trust me one day you'll find that special someone that sees the whole package and realizes how awesome it looks.  

  6. Don't be in her shadow, start inviting anyone on facebook that you find interesting, its not all about people you know. Be yourself and enjoy it.  I have a sister similiar to you and I don't mean to hurt her in anyway its just when i get something she has to try and do better but screws up somewhere along the way. It doesn't matter to me either way but it does to some people.

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