
Do you have any study tips and/or study skills?

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i have exams coming up so i really need them

thanks for your answers




  1. Flash cards really help. Look over chapter reviews in the book if there are any and create your own sample questions or fill in the blanks.

  2. do not wont remember it after your exams...instead of drinking coffee..drink vitamin shots. take your time and pace yourself..if you rush you will skip something or forget certain details you might need to write a quick review before you go take your exam.

  3. Depends what day is the test I will lay out the way most students should be studying:

    One week ahead:

    Day 1: Read Chapter over.

    Day 2: Review Material

    Day 3: Prepare an examination for your self.

    Day 4: Read over the work once again

    Day 5: Place work on index cards or key tips.

    Day 6: Read over index cards.

    Day 7: Quiz your self with test and quiz cards.

    Three days ahead:

    Day 1: Read over chapter.

    Day 2: Create a self-test.

    Day 3: Create index cards and  review chapter and self test.

    Hope you do great on your exams.

  4. Assuming you've kept up with the material (well even if you haven't) organize the semester or year infront of you first.

    Set limits on your study time. A--no interruptions. B--take breaks every 20 minutes just for you. I mean 5 minute breaks, not internet but glass of water, wash your face, walk outside, then back to the work.

    C) write each hour what you learned--give it a name. This is true regardless of math, science or social studies

    D) Drill drill drill if it's language and vocabulary--or biology. Unfortunately most education these days is memorization , which is very very sad.

  5. yeah hard

    3.why are u still reading this?

    4.U could of been studying insted of reading this

    5.get OFF of yahoo now!

    6.PLEASE stop reading this NOW!!

  6. 1. color code your notes to concentrate more.

    2. sit on a proper chair, not on couch when studying.

    3. sleep normally, at least 7-8 hours

    - these are some tips. -

  7. Play music you like in the background. It always helps me.

  8. I find if I read something and then write down the bare outline of what I read I remember it much better.  Don't study late into the night or you may find it hard to switch off,  Have a hot bath the night before your exams a hot drink and a banana hopefully you will get a good nights sleep.  Most important of all read the questions carefully and answer all of them if possible be sure to turn over the last page to check they did not put a final question on the reverse.  Good Luck with your exams You can crack it.

  9. take at least a one hour rest before studying use your alarm clock to wake you up to study. The best time to study is at night when there is no one to bother you. Use past papers that have been use in exam in previous years and previous class test to recap your memory.   once you do that check or research on your answers to get you ready for the exam.Do not memorize your class work word for word you will not understand what you are studying instead try to understand what you are studying if not ask someone who understand to explain it for you.

    Another tip is a study group which is the best idea because you can learn from what other people understand from the subject and i am not saying to study with those who only understand the topic.

    if you decide to use a study group study somewhere that is secured and not disturbing e.g. library. if you don't want to go to the library ask your parents or teacher of a place secured and undisturbed. then you form your study group and remember to invite friends along who are serious about passing exams. A study group can lead you astray; i mean focusing on other things that is not important so look out and don't go off-guard yourself remember you want to pass this exam. Each of you can prepare a question for your study group and allow everyone to share their answers remember to correct each other if it is wrong.

    i don't know what level you are (high school or university) but check the sources on your screen.

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