
Do you have any suggestions for class reunion activities?

by  |  earlier

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I am helping to plan a ten year elementary school reunion in a few weeks, and I need some ideas for activities that we can do to break the ice. It will be a BBQ at a classmate's backyard, and there is a beautiful pool as well. I need ideas about some activities that we can do to get nostalgic !! Help!!




  1. If your like me, one who was picked on for having red hair, Go        Now everyone wishes they had my hair and it fun to see how fat and gray they have gotten.

  2. have everyone bring old photos? tell everyone to wear something from that time? (jewelry, hairstyle... something that fits of course haha) play music from that time... just a thought :)

  3. you can bring all your old pictures to a printing company along with some fabric and create an amazing tablecloth. That way, conversations are sure to spark when memories are seen. And this beats an old yearbook because it allows for a comfortable setting during dining. it will help others start up conversation and soon everyone will be back to their old self! And this shows how creative you are!

    ** do it in black and white only to get the best appearance.

    ** if a table eating style seems too formal you can always lay it on the ground for a picnic style meal after everyone's gotten their food. same concept, different atmosphere.

  4. Activities?... AWWWEE you're planning a party for kindergardeners!.. after ten years 50% of them wont show. and the other half of them chances are they will be all the ones who didn't get along. Sorry. Bad experience at my reunion

  5. Play "I admit I had a crush on..."

    And then watch all the husbands get their back sides whipped.

  6. Guess who?- name people from the old yearbook!

  7. Hmmmm.... This article might help:

    Have a great day! :)

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