
Do you have any test taking strategies?

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Do you have any test taking strategies?




  1. For reading tests, ALWAYS read the questions FIRST; that way, you know what you're looking for while you're reading.

    For multiple choice questions, read EVERY choice before you choose your answer; sometimes the first one sounds right, but there may be a better one or there may be an answer that says "all of the above"

    For true or false questions, beware of the words "always" and "never" - questions that contain those words are usually false

    Essays require planning and a rough draft before your final copy (unless time is limited).  If it's a "full length" essay, write at least four paragraphs: Paragraph 1 is your introduction and should have at least three fully developed sentences about your topic.  (Avoid using first person pronouns)

    Paragraphs 2,3 (and possibly 4 if you have time) are for supporting information and should contain at least five sentences EACH.  You final paragraph is your conclusion, which should also have at least three sentences.  Remember to use transitions between paragraphs and it's a good idea to begin the final one with something like "In conclusion," or "As stated previously,"

    For math tests, ALWAYS check and recheck your work

  2. Dont rush through it. Just take your time and go back and check through it.

  3. Mainly just take my time.  I read and re-read the question.  Then I double check my work if it's math... especially making sure that I copied the original problem down correctly.

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