
Do you have any things that you want to do before your next significant birthday?

by Guest45381  |  earlier

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Do you have any things that you want to do before your next significant birthday?




  1. yep i do i wanna get a job and find a new gf hopefully this time the love of my life my soulmate

  2. I'm 18 next June. Being granted admission to the university I wish to attend would be ideal!

  3. Enjoy Wed., Thurs., and Friday cos I am 45 on Saturday.

  4. mine hear in August nothing i need to do before then

  5. No

  6. september? :)

    yer i wana have s*x!

    lmfao :) am 15 in sept

    but ive been with my boyfriend

    8 months.. so its not really tha bad isit?

    haha :) NO SLAG btw.


  7. Yes.

    I would like to get my licence, learn to paint better than I can now, take violin lessons, write a novel, resume dancing, go blonde for awhile, travel overseas,  spend a year living in another culture (quite liking Japan), go on a whale watching cruise, take a motorhome tour and  explore the rest of Australia, extend the house, get an inground pool so I can host lots of summer pool parties, and win the lottery.

  8. Passing my prelims before my 16th would be good :)

  9. Go to Europe because for my 18th, I'll buy some scratch-offs, buy a pack of ciggies, just because I can legally do that, apply for a credit card because I can, buy p**n on that credit card, get my driver's license, buy stuff that says must be 18 or older, participate in most sweepstakes and contests, pay income tax, and just attain the state of LEGALITY! I'll be turning 18 in Nov. YAY!

  10. Oh I might just get married.

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