
Do you have any thoughts about being or not being an organ donor because of paranormal reasons?

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That book I mentioned...

"The Heart's Code"..might change your mind one way or the other.




  1. I am proud to be an organ donor.  Uh, I mean I will gladly surrender my organs when I no longer need them.  They won't be doing my old, dead bag of bones any good here on Earth.

  2. I just want to go out the same way I came in thanks! everything intact.

  3. I would not be an organ donor, nor accept a donated organ, but not for paranormal reasons at all. Just physical reasons about the way cells work and how unpredictable it would be to accept someone else's cells. Information is contained in each cell, it doesn't matter what part of the body the cell comes from. I thought that was common knowledge.

    Besides that, I know that organ donation is not the only way to cure a  diseased organ. I'd work with a healer first. And I'm not talking about an MD.

  4. I am an organ donor at this moment. I never put any thought into it before. I always figured someone else could have them if they needed them. Maybe I'll go read that book.

  5. organ donation saves lives.  DO IT

  6. I want to donate my organs, not only to save others..but i have this deep fear... Forget the name of the medical condition, but it does happen, and there are plenty of cases of it... A person can be pronounced dead.. when there is no heart beat or pulse, but it goes under detected, and the person comes back to life..(not a zombie) The person was always alive..Last year we had a woman interviewed on the news..she had died, and on the day of her funeral while in the morgue, and with people working on her..she started to hgear people talking..she then worked out what was happening...bit like sleep paraylsis..she tryed for about an hour to move, or to try and scream out..but nothing would come out..but as she fought like anything, she slowly started moving..They got her up..and she lives to tell her horror..another 2 hours and she would of been buried alot of people are....... There are so many of these cases that i have read and it fears me quite are a another couple cases....

    Back many years ago.. a young little girl had died, they placed her in a tomb.. Many years later when her brother died, they re opened the tomb, and found her skeleton by the door (she had been trying to get out)... The Italians have been creating special coffins, so that if the person is still alive, and movement happens while your 6 feet under, it will give a signal.... so ive told my family to donate my body to science, take out my organs, and have me cremated...but my mum is not happy with my instructions...

  7. I have no reason to think I will need my organs, or any part of my body, after I die.  That's why I'm an organ donor.  Even if you did believe in an afterlife, the ones people talk about - as ghosts, or spirits, or in heaven - wouldn't really require your organs.  

    I just read the book summary on Amazon.  Frankly, I'm skeptical (I know, you're all shocked).  A lot of superstition has been placed on the heart in the past, by many (but certainly not all) cultures, but I don't see any evidence for why your heart might retain information that, say, your liver wouldn't.

  8. I'd never donate an organ, nor would I accept a donated organ to prolong my life. My reasons would probably be called 'paranormal' by people who don't know much about what is normal [almost all of us].

    You haven't asked what those reasons are, so I won't have to wring my hands about whether to post them, or not.

    Nice question.  Thanks for asking it.  It implies you know a great deal more than you have any business knowing about things.  You've misrepresented yourself, not by words, but by implication and demeanor.

    Edit:  Deenie.  Most likely the reason you don't understand what I'm trying to say is that I'm not trying to say anything.  You convey a kind of innocence of certain types of interests and knowledge that gave me a set of impressions about you when I first began reading your posts.  I'm beginning to recognize and acknowledge that a lot of those impressions were erroneous.  Nothing earth-shaking.  Just that I had you figured wrong in a number of ways.

  9. I have never read the book. I hope that when I am gone , I would be able to donate any healthy organ I have. My mother donated her eyes. I think it was a wonderful gift.

    I can not imagine what the paranormal would have to do with organ donation. Since the spirit does not like in any one organ. I don't know why the paranormal would be a concern in organ donation at all.

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