
Do you have any thoughts on why the guy beheaded his seatmate on a Greyhound Bus in Canada?

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  1. cause he was nuts  

  2. I AGREE 100 % with ALEXANDEREX I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER.  CANADIANS ARE COWARDS. The Asian man was 5'9 the witness said he was 6 foot tall 200 lbs. WOW

    Even if they couldn't  save his life at least they could have stopped him from getting his head cut off.

    Wouldn't want you some help if you were the guy getting stabbed.

    Ps: The system needs to change..

            What do I think should happen to the China man?

           Cut his legs and arms off and throw him to the lions.

  3. There are really only two possibilities: insanity or high on some sort of drug that induces psychotic episodes.

  4. he was probly a lunatic


  5. I heard about this the other day and just couldn't believe it...

    Totally crazy just all of a sudden going psycho like that.. Then Beheading him and showing the head off like a trophy.

    I feel so very sorry for the family of the victim and for the witnessess to the event.

    That guy needs to go down for doing this.

  6. mental illness

  7. Obviously the asian man is insane, but why didnt someone gang up on him, hit him with something? Its the saddest thing ever.

  8. Why it occurred is of little consequence.  The man is dead.  It's a shame, but the worst part is that the man didn't have to die.

    Canadians seem to pride themselves on apathy.  They seem to revel in the fact that when the chips are down, they simply do nothing.

    And this is a prime example of Canadians at their best.  While this man was being stabbed "the passengers fled the bus in horror."

    The story reads, in part:

    "Colwell praised the "extraordinary" calmness and bravery of the bus driver and passengers.

    "What you saw and what you experienced would shake the most seasoned police officer. And yet I'm told that each of you acted swiftly, calmly and bravely," Colwell said. "As a result, no one else was injured.""

    Bravery?  These people walked off the bus right in the middle of a homicide, and this witness has the deign to call this "bravery"?!

    Sure, no one else was injured.  But in the process of saving their own skin, they let an innocent man die before their very eyes.

    What is the matter with people?!  You mean to tell me that of all the people on that bus, no one thought to jump on this guy's wrist, disabling the attack?  No thoughts for the well being of the guy being stabbed?  Sure it would be dangerous, but the guy's got a knife for goodness' sake!  What's he going to do?  Shoot you?!

    I'm a Canadian by birth, and this incident just makes me embarrassed to hold Canadian citizenship.  If my fellow citizens can't be bothered to step in the way of a vicious, unprovoked attack - if they aren't willing to risk their safety for the life of another Canadian, then I may as well rip up my Citizenship card right now.  I don't want to be a part of a country where apathy is the cardinal rule.

    I take a lot of pride in the fact that Canada is known as a peacemaking nation throughout the world.  But in this incident, it's clear that Canadians are not peacemakers because they believe in justice, they're peacemakers because they're cowards.

    It makes me sick.

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