
Do you have any tips for raising a tomato plant?

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I'm raising my first tomato plant. It's called Sweet 100 (hybrid), and it makes cherry-tomato size tomatoes. What can I do to help my plant grow lots of healthy tomatoes? I've cut off a couple of branches that were turning yellow. Is there anything else I should do? Should I trim it to keep it from growing too tall? I've got it in a pot that's about 1.5 feet deep and 1.5 feet diameter.




  1. Sun and keep watered.   Add some compost and top dress it so nutrients get watered in.  I have 7 Sweet 100 plants and they are growing like weeds...they have grown to 8 feet tall some years.

  2. dont trim it,just give it some tomatoe fertilizer,sun and a tomato cage to hold it up

  3. try this link

  4. Sunlight, heat, water and fertilizer. Do not trim the plant, bury the runners then cut them from the main stem, when the runner starts to make fruit. You now have several plants. Use blossom set every time they flower. This is an indeterminate tomato and can be moved in door in the winter and will keep bearing fruit next year.  We hung one in a bucket and tried the upside down method last year, not worth our time.  One of the stems we saved from last year is now bearing fruit in our window.  It's been a cold spring and summer and we lost our cherry crop.

  5. The sweet 100 is a vining tomatoe plant that puts out alot of sweet cherry not cut the top off of the main branch..You want it to vine out..This plant will grow to 6 and 7 feet tall..Be prepared to build a little trellis out of  twine, or get some chicken wire and put by it... DO NOT  go using all ppurpose miracle grow  as someone will probably suggest soon..This will give it too much nitrogen and you will get all leaves and no fruit..I use Miracle Grow Bloom Booster when mine start getting flowers on them..for they need phospherous and potassium at this stage..Also one teaspoon of epsom salt per foot of plant higth every two weeks is great for it..Hersds a picture of the "bloom Booster"..then pictures of sweet 100's..You can see on one of my pictures how I fashioned a trellis out of regular nylon string..

  6. Put about 3 or 4 stakes around it, tie some good sturdy sting around them, and feed it with a good plant food. (miricle grow)

  7. How tall is it now?  It it were a regular tomato, I would tell you to trim all of the leaves except the three on the end of the branch.  I know it sounds stupid, but I have trimmed mine for the past month and I have as many as 40 tomatoes on each plant!!  I trimmed my sweet 100's but the plant suffered and so I am not going to trim any more.  Just keep the ripe ones picked and if the plant turns yellow, you may be watering it too much.  Next year, plant your tomatoes in the ground if possible.  Dig a deep hole, put a calcium tablet, a multi vitamin, 1/2 cup of sugar (for bacteria growth) and a dose of miracle grow.....then cover this with about 2 inches of soil.  Put your tomatoe plant in the hole and make sure the hole is deep enough to almost cover the whole thing.Leave about 3 inches sticking above the ground.  All of the buried leaves will sprout roots to give the plant a good foundation to grow healthy and strong.  The calcium prevents bottom rot.  Oh, the most important thing....pinch out the very center plume of growth when you plant your tomatoe.  It may have little yellow flowers, but pinch it off anyway!  This will make your plant get bushy!  If your plant is green and healthy and tall with no tomatoes, you need to cut off some of the leaves and branches so the plant will set fruit.  It only reproduces itself when it is under stress or thinks it's going to die. Good Luck!!

  8. bury it deep about 3/4 of the plant in the ground. roots will sprout from the stem.  also use a good cage around the plant - I make mine from fencing wire about 2 ft wide and 3 ft high.

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