
Do you have any tips for stage kissing?

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I am in a production of Romeo and Juliet, and I play Juliet. The guy who plays Romeo is pretty attractive, so I'm not worried about that. I was just looking for any tips for avoiding awkwardness, making it look real, but not lead Romeo into thinking I want a relationship.




  1. Treat it in a completely matter-of-fact way as if it was just another piece of blocking - which really, it is.  I'm working on a play right now where two characters kiss a lot, and the two actors don't distinguish it from any other blocking they were given.  The advice to talk over which way you're going to tilt heads is good - it should make Romeo realise that you're treating it professionally.  Also, it's worth remembering that Juliet is young and innocent and would kiss that way - remember that it's the characters kissing, not the actors.

  2. grab his face like you want him, but stick a thumb over his lips.

  3. yah, u could kinda grab both sides of his face and then put ur thumbs over his lips.  or to make it less awkward, u could talk to him before hand, and decide which of u is going to turn to the right and which of u is going to turn to the left, because if u both turn the same way on stage, and bump ur heads or something, that would be rrrlllyyyyyy awkward.  good luck!


  4. actually do it! but no tounges i had 2 in a production of Much Ado About Nothing as i played Beatrice i was really nervous and so was he who was playing Benedick but we just did it! x

    good luck in your production hope it goes well! x

  5. put the back of your hands on your face, with your thumbs lining your mouth, if one of you does this (usually the guy) the person with their hands up grabs the other person's head.  Then you just loop you arms around his neck and it looks perfect.

  6. Breath mints and passion!

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