
Do you have any tips on how to record good audio on a cellular phone?

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Do you have any tips on how to record good audio on a cellular phone?




  1. it really can't be done. most cell phones have only limited audio recording ability to begin with, and most have fairly lousy microphones + speakers. of course, it does depend on your definition of good, if you only want to be able to understand what people are saying, then almost any cell phone with sound recording abilities will do, but if you're trying to record more complex sounds like music, you're pretty much stuck. no matter what, your not going to get some kind of awesome high fidelity-dolby-thx-7.1 channel surround sound from a cell phone.

    however, you can maximize the quality with a decent phone and recording in a fairly quiet space without much background noise. still, you'd probably have a better shot if you went to walmart and bought a small audio recorder or got a cheap laptop and a decent microphone and downloaded some free recording software of the internet

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