
Do you have any travel tips for Argentina and Chile?

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Hi/Bonjour/Hola ! My Dad is planning on visiting Argentina and Chile this fall.(I wish I could go!) He wants to go to Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, Mendoza, Argentina and Santiago Chile. Do any of you live there or have been there? Any advice you can give my Dad?

Thanks a lot/Merici beaucoup/muchas gracias




  1. Aw, that's sweet of you to get advice for your dad. I don't live in South America, but I studied in Cusco, Peru and Buenos Aires last year and traveled to all those places.

    Of those cities you've listed, Buenos Aires was my absolute favorite. It's a beautiful, vibrant, culturally rich city with lovely people. If he's staying there for more than a week he should try to get an apartment rather than staying a hotel. You'll get much more space at a lower cost, and I think it's more fun to live amongst the Porteños. I lived in Palermo Viejo and absolutely adored the area. There are beautiful parks, fantastic stores & restaurants, pretty tree-lined cobble stoned streets and a great night light. Since he's older he might prefer Recoleta, which is the oldest part of BA and is very dignified and graceful.

    Mendoza is very pretty, and he's into wine tasting that's a great place to be. I was just 15 then, but nobody cared there, and I had a great time.

    Iguazu Falls are magnificent. He should try to go around the full moon when they have night tours. It's stunning. Some people are able to cross over to the Brazil side without a visa, but technically you're supposed to have a visa and your international immunization card showing that you've gotten the yellow fever vaccination.

    I wasn't as in love with Santiago, but it is a pretty city. It has a very European feel to it, and there are some great parks and I loved the Mercado.


    Many US banks charge a $5 surcharge every time you use your ATM card. Check in advance, and consider using a credit union. I used my dad's credit union ATM and didn't get charged.

    Most ATMs issue big bills...which nobody wants to accept. Instead of selecting one of the main choices - 100, 200, ect, punch in 180 so you'll get smaller bills.

    Americans have to pay a $100 reciprocity fee the moment they land in Santiago. I just put the $100 bill in my passport holder so I was ready.

    He should insure his electronics and anything expensive before he goes. I never had anything stolen, but my dad has his cell stolen in BA a few years ago, and I know of other ppl who were pickpocketed.

    He should take a Spanish class before he goes. I'm not entirely fluent in Spanish, but  I knew enough to get by and because I'm young & blond ppl were more willing to help me.

    : )

    I hope he has an awesome trip. Our fall is their spring time, and it's a great time to be there. You should definitely go some time.

    You're welcome / de rien / de nada

    Take care / au revoir / chau!

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