
Do you have anything to say to me, a person who is socially pro-choice but personally pro-life?

by  |  earlier

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Because of the cheese!




  1. lol ditto to magnolia

    *skips off to chat as well*

  2. You aren't a hypocrate for feeling that way.  Quite the opposite.  It shows you don't judge people for their own PERSONAL decisions!

    Cheers to you!

  3. anything to say? let me see..................

    why does chicken on pizza taste like c**p?

  4. I agree - such a person would be a profound hypocrite.  I'm glad you're not...and if you're bored, why not volunteer down at your local animal shelter?  Those sad kitties and puppies could use someone to be nice to them, clean their kennels, walk the dogs...

  5. Hypocrite? I don't think so.

    It's almost sad that I find it admirable when someone maintains his/her personal views, while respecting the freedom of others to choose for themselves.

    I'd certainly like to meet more people who don't impose their opinions upon others.

    Ugh, and just when I start to disconnect myself from this section, you pull me back in with your common sense. d**n you!  :-P

  6. I don't see it as being hypocritical for a person to be a supporter of pro-choice but wouldn't get an abortion.  I'm the same way, I had an unwanted pregnancy but felt that abortion wasn't the right answer for me, but I would still defend a woman's right to make that decision.  Besides, pro-choice is about more then abortion, it is about a woman being free to choose in ALL aspects of her reproduction, fertility and sexuality, and even being free to NOT get an abortion if she doesn't want one.

  7. There's nothing wrong with that. I am pro-choice, however when I got pregnant unexpectedly (after never really planning to have children) I never even considered an abortion for myself, and would never unless there was something drastically wrong with the fetus (anencephaly, etc.) or a risk to my life.

    That's the point of being pro-choice. You get to choose for yourself, but not for others.

  8. Nope this is actually completely logical. You have your own choice for your life and body but you respect other people's choices with their bodies and lives. And that's great.

    And you being a man actually doesn't matter (even though I know this is in jest, haha) because there are many cases where the man's opinion matters and just because the kid isn't in his body doesn't mean it's not just as much his potential child and he can't have a say in it... just sayin' for the record.

    (I'm also pro choice for others and pro life for myself, actually.)

  9. i want cheese!

    no bryan, i feel just like you do :)

  10. Not hypocritical at all... that's kind of where I am as well. :)

  11. Um . . . I agree with you? Nice shirt?

  12. Hmm well. i believe that women have the power over their own bodies and that they should be allowed to make the choices.

    But...personally i don't think i would ever want to have an abortion.

  13. You are PRO CHOICE!

    You believe that every woman has the right to CHOOSE.  You made your choice (carry to term any fetus that comes along), and other women will make their choices.

  14. uhm not really...

    i like to think of myself as prolife myself...and while i may not agree with abortions in cases of rape i can understand the reasoning behind wanting an abortion...

    also the whole thing about if a woman is having medical problems....I can sort of understand that too...but to be honest ...the only reason i have such a hard time accepting that is because i do not believe doctors always have the last say in terms of health choices.

    if that was the case..ppl would die when doctors told them they would.

    but either way..if a woman decides to terminate a pregnancy for either reason ( rape or medical concerns) I would not hate her....

    and if it was someone I knew...I think I would just ask her why she did...Listen to her...try my best to not be judgemental...and leave it at that.

  15. I'm not that person...

    But I love ya!

  16. In other words, you think abortion should stay legal, but would want to keep the baby if you got someone pregnant unexpectedly?

    Sounds fine to me. I wish more people could keep what they want separate from what should be allowed legally.

  17. Nothing wrong with that.  Most people only have opinions with regard to how things will affect themselves.  It is good that you see beyond that.

  18. I appreciate you being able to make the distinction between personal morality and the reality of what happens when you make personal morality decisions dictated by law.

  19. Well, to me it sounds like you can get along with people from both the camps easily.

    What does 'runs to the chat' mean ?

  20. You're not a hypocrite but a normal person. Even if you're inwardly a supporter of Nazism, you'd be insane to go out and proclaim yourself a n**i. Like that.

    I myself have hidden my anti-feminist/equalist view form others socially, as they would hve my head for it.

    That's all I have to say to you.

  21. I say you are one of the good guys...not because of this, but just your personality in general.

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