
Do you have at least one friend whom you can trust and depend on?

by  |  earlier

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I worry because my friends have prooven to not be reliable and at times seem to want to take advantage of my kindness.

If I could wish for something, knowing that my wish will come true, I would wish for trustworthy friends.




  1. yes I have one

  2. Its always good to have one person you know you could call on for anything. I learned last year who my real friends were when I was in the hospital and needed help with a few things at home. I had one shine through and help me. It was a good feeling. I am happy to say I have one friend who will go the extra mile if I need him to.

    Best wishes!

  3. yes i do but i left that school. and we dont talk much anymore. but hes always been there when i was in need.

  4. You will have many acquaintances in life but few true friends.  

    You have to be a friend to have a friend.

    I treasure my friends greatly.  I have had one friend all the way from when she was 4 and I was 5.  I can count on her for always being there for me.

  5. yes i do

    mainly this one person.

    i literally cant live without her, and i find it hard at times, but life goes on, and new people walk into your life.

    don't be so kind to them

    give as good as you get,

    i have finally learnt that becausee i am soooooo kind to my friends,

    ima bit of a pushover if you ask me.

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