
Do you have athletics everyday in High School?

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?? I am going to be a freshman in high school this year and I am not the most athletic person in the world, and I am curious as to if we will have athletics everyday like you do in middle school.

We will have a block schedule that consists of having an a day and b day.

Also, do you take athletics with different grades, or just your own?

Thank you.




  1. no but there is a requirment (a law) that you have to have gym 2-3 days every week. so every other day i would guess that's how it is for me, usally you are in your class with your grade only

  2. umm?. im kinda confused

    Like you take gym for half the year or a hwole year depending how your school does it. And then your done with it. and yes you have it everyday

    If u mean afterschool sports. You have those everyday for as long as the season runs

    fall season is usaly- august/sept. to early november

    winter is late novem/february ish

    and spring is march/juneish

  3. yea theyre the same

    And yea..sometimes itz combo classes like



    and yea..

    i had PE with sophomores last year

  4. yup

    except you have some offdays

  5. Hi!! I'm going into my sophmore year now, and don't worry, freshman year isn't as bad as people are saying it is :) . At my school, we have a block schedule too. We had a seven day rotation and four of the days we would have gym, and the other three we would have health. At my school, we are only required to have two physical education credits, so it is just freshman and sophmores is the classes. Don't be intimitated by the older kids though... you'll get to know them and you'll probably end up with a lot of new friends by the end of the year! Good Luck and don't stress!!! =)

  6. im in the same boat as u... but i think its every other day for u... thats weird... my high school has a b c d days

  7. well, heres the thing.  most high schools are similar when it comes to sports, but theyre not all the same.  at my high school, we have sports everyday as a class that you take, and yes it is with all grades.  and it doesnt matter if you arent the most athletic person, high school sports are really fun!

    however, of you have a day and b day, you might have your class only on one day, im not exactly sure how that would work, since we have the same schedule everyday, and sixth period is always sports everyday

  8. in every school i went to i have gym 2 times a week

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