
Do you have bike If so do you name your bike?

by  |  earlier

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  1. My first bike was Rhoda, my current bike is Iggy, and my wife's bike is Cocoa.

  2. Haha good one fantasy but it's not uncommon. My road bike is known as Roxanne, Roxy for short. She's a beauty.

  3. I do have a bike, but I haven't named it yet. Some of the people that ride with me have named their bikes.

    We have:




    The Jolly Pink Giant

    it really depends on you as an individual. If you think you should name your bike do it.

  4. I don't have a name for my bike. I have though about it, we have put many miles in together, but nothing has come to mind so far. For some reason the bike doesn't feel masculine, but calling it a female name seems awkward, at least for me anyway. One thing you might read is a hilarious blog post by a triathlete that was in the process of naming his bike...good read. I hope you come up with something good. Ignore the other poster, naming your bike is perfectly fine.

  5. i got one !but

    i dont name it

  6. The bikes I've had for years all have names. My race bikes however are a different story as I rarely have them more than a season or two, but they do get named if they break with names I can't print here.

  7. Give me a thumbs up if- you agree with me that this guy has already named his bike, found out he was the only one who has done it, and is trying now to get other people to do it, so he can look like he started something.

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