
Do you have braces???

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Do you have braces???




  1. Yes. Mine are clear on the top and metal on the bottom. I actually have an orthodontist apt. on Thursday or Friday. I can't remember.

    I am 14 and and got my tops on in March 2008 and my bottoms on on August 5, 2008. I can't wait to get them off because I hate my orthodontist.

    Are you getting braces?

  2. nope. but i need em

  3. No, but I'm gonna purchase one soon.

    I predict that it's gonna be uncomfortable at first, but eventually your teeth will be nice and neat.

    How about you?


  4. Nope. Never did, either.

  5. I did 14 years ago. I even had a headgear the went around my neck.  Plus one that went on my head. To say the least I looked awful,and I was not popular. So I didn't wear it much.I got them when I was 11 years old and at 15 years old I took them off with nail clippers. I never listened to the orthodontist. I wish I had listened, then I would have nice teeth. My 15 year old daughter just got her braces off and now she won't wear her retainer. After paying all that money. I could have gotten mine done. I hear you could go in to the hospital and have your teeth wired shut. Very painful I would think. After a little while later they take them off and you have nice teeth. My orthodontist use to threaten me every visit about wiring my mouth shut. but never did anything...

  6. yes and i am getting them off next monthh! :)

  7. i used too =]

  8. Not anymore. I got them off 2 years ago. I had them for 3 years.  

  9. Yes i got them on Friday

  10. yes.metal with pink rubber

  11. no

  12. Nope, Never have never will.  

  13. I had braces. I think it's been 6 years since I had them removed.  

  14. nope

  15. No.

  16. Yes why do you care thats a stupid question

  17. yes

  18. Yes, the invislign ones.

  19. retainers

  20. Yes, I do! On both top and bottom and I have had them for 23 months now and am getting them off at the end of this month! =)  

  21. nope.

  22. not anymore--I did for 2 years though :) fun times...

  23. no, but i want to get them

  24. No, but I used to. I just got them off in March.

  25. Yes, I just got them tightened today :(

  26. no but i did 4 years ago

    aghh HATED it. i had the ceramic kind.i just have the permanent retainer on the back of my lower teeth now

  27. you?
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