after struggling to finish school for a few years, my mom offered to help me pay my tuition, she claims that i never told her that i had financial problems, but that is not true, she knew that i was having a hard time paying tuition, tha financial aid wasnt enough, and that i was having to take crappy jobs to make money and survive. she knows i was going into credit card debt becuz of school and when i told her i was defaulting she never offered to help. she says i can call her anytime but i dont think she is sincere, i asked her for help once and she acted annoyed, and i wouldnt have aske her if i didnt really need it. i dont ask her for money usually, she offered to pay, but then tries to make me feel bad for not being done with college yet when she knows i am struggling. i had to call her out on her b.s. which she will never admit to, but i feel like she doesnt care because all this time i was stuggling, it could have been prevented because she had the money to help me, she let me default on things, and take crappy jobs and deal with sh*tty people, when she could have helped me from the very beginning. she has made me feel ashamed by lying and telling people that i am working on my masters, i'm on my bachelor's, but she wont admit why she said that. the question is, i dont know if she just didnt pay attention when i said i was having trouble, and now she realizes that i am mad, and that this is serious, or does she not care. how do you deal with your kids when they left the nest, did you help them through school, did you notice if they were struggling or if something were wrong? i'm looking for some insight.