
Do you have confidence in the military/police/firemen? Why?

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Why do you have confidence in the US military/police/firemen? Also, why do you have confidence in the US justice system and educational system?




  1. Nope, none at all.  That's why I continue to live here and pay taxes to support such useless institutions.  Also why I raise my family and kids to continue funding such a system that I have no faith in.

  2. military/firemen? YES.

    police? NO!

    educational? depends on the area.

    justice? NO!

  3. I have confidence in the military, police and fire department because they haven't let me down yet and the town I live in is pretty safe. The justice system has been taken over by the trial lawyers and needs to be tweeked every now and then. The educational system in our country is going down the toilet quickly. For some reason we aren't focusing on teaching the kids the stuff they really need to know and the classes that will truly help them in college and in real life. Personally, I put the biggest share of the blame for that on the teacher's unions.  

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