
Do you have cruel neighbors

by  |  earlier

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what did they do and did you retaliate




  1. he's not cruel to me, he just loves to break the law for some reason. one night he tried to kill his girlfriend! literly! he's in jail now tho.

  2. Hecks yeah.

    Their dog always poops on our yard, and when we ask them to pick it up, they get all defensive and are like, "It's your yard, you clean it up."


  3. i had nosy ones

    she could tell you everything that goes on

    but i moved and love mine now  

  4. nope but i have very weird ones creeps lol

  5. my neighbours are amazing but my best friends are like the WORST they are middle age weirdos who blast classical music in their garden in the summer, so me and my friend blasted greenday, was good fun

    but if you have to live with them I think it's best you try to make amends, whatever they are doing wring just ask them if they could stop it, why waste time fighting when you could be having a good time with people?


  6. Yes, when I was younger, my dog was barking outside by the fence, This annoyed my  neighbour so he  reached over the fence and hit my dog with his broom! I told my parents, and my mom confronted him. He ended up building a really tall fence. We were glad.  

  7. Every night until 3 in the morning they smoke and laugh like you wouldn't believe outside my window.

    Sometimes they shoot bb's at our dog, and spit in our yard.

    We're thinking about calling the police.

  8. there like 60 and everything i do they tell me parents, pretty pathetic.  

  9. yeah, my neighbor's kids watch our house while hiding in the bushes! Super creepy

  10. No thankfully I don't, but I have a pretty creepy guy who always wants to talk, and he never puts his shirt on. So I just avoid him at all costs.  

  11. I believe my neighbors may have hurt my dog possible kicked him or hit him. we cant be sure so no way to sue the people but it REALLY makes me MAD! but we cant accuse them of anything. so we just watch our dog and neighbor very closely. but MAN does it make me want to go kick some butt!!!!!!!!!!

  12. nope my neighbors are nice and lets us swim in her pool!!!!:)


  13. YES urr lol well its kind of funny. me and my Friends lik to have bomb fires and he always comes out yelling telling us the smoke is going in his window and whatever.. and we always run through his back yard just to make him more mad lol because he freaks out if anyone steps on his grass lol... his last name is frown lol isn't that funny! we call him mr. frowny ... i guess that kind of makes us the bad neighbors... lol

  14. Yes, even though my best friend is my neighbor. Her parents are just horrible! (we're all 30 by the way and have been living in the same houses since we were 4) Her parents are just so rude and have never liked me or my family, they would always give me such nasty looks and are so rude to all my kids.

  15. I don't have any "true" neighbors. I live in the middle of the woods. YAY NOWHERE!

  16. Not the new ones, they are just nosey. The old ones seemed like they thought I was there kid or something  when I was little. I remember playing kick ball in the open field up the street and she stopped by and said "you don't need to be here go home," I just laughed and kind of shook my head, crazy lady.

  17. No , but we live in farming country , where neighbor help each other in times of trouble . We know all our neighbors and have for years .

  18. yeah.

    they make noise.

    so i bang on the wall and they stop.


  19. our neighbors are birds

    they leave all their s***s on our windows

    i wanted to get a vampire bat and release it on them to kill them all

  20. At night I heard people screaming in their house all the time, its so annoying, one time I went over there because I thought somebody was hurt and they got realllly mad at me and threw rocks at me for "invading their privavy"

    Turns out they were watching horror movies every night LOL

    Once I think about it, I should of called the police because they were disrupting the neighborhood...oh well they are gone now, they couldn't pay their rent.

    probably spent all their money on horror movies...who knows!

  21. I had nieghbors who hated my bushes. They tried to cut them down themselves when my daughter saw them. Also one time this kid attaked my son with a paintball gun for no reason.

  22. Our neighbors moved in and no one in the neighborhood likes them. When they first moved in, the first thing they asked us was if they could link a fence around their yard and because we have one too, they asked if it could connect to ours (probably to save them money).  Of course we said no because it would take away property value and they would be owning part of our land in the middle there then.  So then in the summertime they got a basketball hoop and would have little children over there every single day banging a basketball again and again and again.  They would hit our plants and flowers and kill them.  Then one night they threw water balloons at our cars from their roof.  So, after all this building up within five years, we started calling the police on them from time and time again.  The children don't  come over to their house anymore and now there's a for sale sign.  

  23. Yes they made me a fresh apple pie and I hate apples so I gave it to the dog

  24. when i was a kid i hat really relly mean neighbours and they would out chese wirre outf on the grass nf it killd my dog so i killd them

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