
Do you have days where your 10-month-old just breaks the nap routine?

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My daughter was having two great naps--about an hour in the morning and often 2-2.5 hours in the afternoon. I had an appointment one day that threw her off schedule a bit (she wouldn't nap with the sitter), and now she's trying, to the best of her ability, to survive the day on one nap that's only an hour and 15 minutes long. I've read about babies switching to one nap/day--is there a window that works best so that she'll get rest in the middle of the day, but still be able to make it until bedtime without falling apart?




  1. Well I also have a 10 mos old daughter, and she has dropped to one nap too.  She usually napped 1.5 in the am, and 1 hr in the pm.  Now she will take a general 2 hr nap about 3 hrs after she wakes...then that is all she will have.  I really think she needs two naps (I need her to have two naps lol), so I have been putting her in the crib in the afternoon anyway.  I let her play or whatever she wants to do (cry even) for about 20 - 30 mins.  I am hoping that eventually she will begin to nap again.  I feel your pain.  I am a fan of Dr. T Berry Brazelton, and he recommends a period of no stimulus in the afternoons.  He says whether she chooses to sleep is her decision, but babies need that time away from all that is bombarding their senses.  It has helped my baby be a little more joyful in the evening.  Good luck!

  2. My 11 month old daughter did the same thing.  I just give her lunch and put her  down for nap then.  She usually sleeps for about 2-2.5 hours and then gets up very playful.  She is usually in good spirits until she gets tired again at around 7.  Then she goes to bed for the night.

  3. The way i figure it sometimes they do get off schedule and it may take a couple of days to get back to where they were.

  4. My son started doing the one nap thing around 10 months.  I would put him down for nap right after lunch and it seemed to work well for me.  He sleeps for 2 hours or so and still goes to bed at 7 every night.

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