
Do you have drama on your volleyball team?

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It seems like EVERY volleyball team has drama! You know, girls getting moved up that shouldn't, coaches flirting with players, you take someone's starting position and they get all mad at you... What are some of your stories???




  1. OMG!!!! SO SO SO SO much DRAMA! I hate it! Its all about politics such as what club you play for, who the coach is, senority, whos better, who's a starter, why no play time...SO annoying!

    Then there is the old High school Drama, such as boyfriends, backstabers etc. I wish we could just play volleyball w/o the drama.

    I really hate it when my team brings the drama to the court! We have an awesome team, but it affects the way we play.

  2. well like two years ago for volleyball, they needed to move up some girls. I had been slightly injured but was better enough in time to play. My friends dad was the athletic director at the time and moved up his daughter and her best friend. it sucked too cause i was so much better! I'm still mad! lol

  3. oh my god you don't even know!! we had a tournament where we were the only freshman and we played against all sophomore teams ( don't ask me why it's complicated) and our setter yelled at us sooo many times

    if she tipped the ball and got a carry she told us we had bad passes

    if she hit a ball in the net she would say that we did it (even though she's not supposed to even have 3rd balls!!!!)]

    and she yelled at our weakside hitter for not making the ball over the net on the setter really bad set

    and what makes it worse is she went and sat with our rival school and bought them lunch instead of the rest of the team!!!!!

    drama drama drama!!!

  4. I will give you drama from a different view.  I was coaching a 14 and under club team.  I had a player that was not happy since she was not on the top team.  And her attitude spread to the entire team.  She already knew everything about volleyball and did the opposite of everything I told her to do.  Her parents had the same attitude.  They complained to the club directors about me and I was fired.  I was upset for about 2 weeks.  My replacement could not handle her or the team either.  The player was told that she would no longer be on the club and the team was split among other teams.  I was offered a job with that club again.  They decided that I was not the problem with that team.  The great news was that I told them NO.  It felt great.  That club went from 10 teams to 3 the following year.  They are not a very strong club any more.  And I was able to spend more time teaching (and enjoying) refereeing and scorekeeping clinics.  And tonight, I get to teach absolute beginners in a 5 week camp.  That is the most fun part of volleyball.

  5. omg.  i had this one girl on my team, and she had like and she had like anger management or somtheing.  she was setter, and we had this girl who wans't good at all.  she couldn't control her bumps and she kept hitting to me.  then this girl just comes to my face and she screams at me.  then she starts crying and locks herself in the bathroom.  everybody was like cracking up then she came out and she is blaming this other girl for runing her life.  i was like omg.  chill.  then she whipped the v-ball at me,  then i was like u think u r sooooooooo good.  and she was like, i am.  then this other girl was like, no u aren't.  so she locked herself in the bathroom again.

    i am telling the 100% truth.  i am serious.  i thank the girl for having the explosion, then i can put it online

  6. I think every one has drama on a v-ball team but maybe not big dramas but it is stille drama!!!!!!:)

    I ♥ v-ball!!!!!!!!!!!!

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