
Do you have foxes dwelling near you?

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Do you have foxes dwelling near you?




  1. dwelling?  who uses the word dwelling?  you have to be British........and yes foxes are indigenous to the area I live in

  2. Yes I live in the country. I like foxes but I can see why farmers don't

  3. Lots. They keep stealing the next door neighbours shoes from their backdoors and leave them chewed up on my front lawn!

  4. i live in surrey and we have them in the garden every night!!!! they are sweet, but the poo....... AHHHH and now our bunnies need to live inside.

  5. yes i live in a large town i have seen them once on me back garden and many times crossing the road in front of me car at night

  6. yes, I live 20 mins walk from the town centre, but also have a field behind my house.  I've seen foxes in our street at night, and once when I was walking my dog and cat (non-leashed!) on the footpath by the field a fox crossed our path only metres away from us.  Neither of my animals blinked an eye lid, so I guess it wasn't unusual for them!  I live in Cheltenham

  7. Yes, my chickens have to be very vigilant

  8. loads of urban foxes here. They don't bat an eyelid when they see humans.

  9. Yes very near

  10. Yes I have red fox run around my farm. They eat my cats and get all the song birds nests that nest on the ground. They are hard to do anything about. They are very ciunning little critters. They moved in about twenty years ago before that we never had any.

  11. i have seen a couple in the back ally near me don't know where they reside though, i guess its close by......   :)

  12. Yes

  13. yes, I live in london, they tend to live near the railway tracks where its quiet, they are beautiful, and very curious, they are not afraid of humans, when I take my dogs out for a late night walk there is always one that follows us at a distance. not sure if I should leave it some food, it looks very healthy, and there are plenty of restaurants where im sure it gets scraps from.

  14. nope

  15. Yes, red and gray.  Black bears, white tailed deer, as well!

  16. Yep, I live in the wilds

  17. I live in a rural area in the USA, surrounded on two sides by wooded areas. We see a few foxes around but not nearly as many as we used to a few years ago.  We have a lot of coyotes now, where we use to have none.  I expect that is the reason the foxes are moving out.  From the answers you are getting, it looks like that foxes are moving into urban areas.

  18. Yes we do. I think they are pretty cute and they help keep the rat population down.

  19. The wolves pretty much keep the away from here.

  20. I have several town foxes who wander the streets at night,raiding the bins and cleaning up all the disguarded chicken bones from the local chicken world shop!!!

  21. Yes red foxes here in suburban New England.

    However eastern coyotes are much more common

  22. I see a fox around my house sometimes.  They always run when they see me.

  23. Yes one comes most nights for food and sits with my cats.  It came in my house too and i've hand fed it too!

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