
Do you have free, cheap or unique ideas for outdoor activities?

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I'm on the board of a non-profit outdoor recreation group and we have been hit hard by the slump in the economy. We cater mainly to young adults; but, often have children, teens and older adults on outings as well. We are looking for free, cheap or unique ideas for outdoor activities. We are located in South Florida, so we have great weather year round...except when something like Fay comes along. Normally we go camping, canoing, snorkeling, hiking, tubing and have picnics at parks or the beach. Do you have any OTHER ideas for us?




  1. How about a Field Day?  It seems pretty old fashioned but it's a lot of fun.  Just do a bunch of those contests you see in movies that are done at company picnics like 3 legged races, balance the egg on the spoon races, dizzy bat, etc.  You can even make up silly ones of your own.

  2. TRY HERE...

  3. fishing

  4. Geocaching - sort of hi-tech treasurehunting.  You will need a gps receiver and a sense of adventure.  

    Take a look at -type in your postal/zip code and see just how many hidden caches are near you.  You will be amazed!  You've probably walked right past hundreds already.

  5. I would just ask the church in your town or your local park if you can use their parking lot. Just ask each family to bring a dessert, snack, or dinner/lunch by their last name. for example:

    A-G bring a snack

    It always works out fine when my community does it, so i hope this gives you some idea.


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