
Do you have friends that you hate?

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if you hate them why are they your friends.




  1. Cuz i feel bad for them

  2. If you hate them or they hate you THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS.

  3. Well if I hate them they wouldn't be my friends  

  4. I don't think I hate them, but it's just that I think our friendship has served it's purpose and maybe we've outgrown it.  I have a couple friends from college who were my roommates during college and even after.  It's gotten very difficult to be friends with them.  Our lives have become very different and they haven't been very accepting of that.  I guess you call those people "toxic?"  I did all the typical "growing up" kind of boring stuff...bought a house, got married, have a job where I work 2nd shift, including weekends/holidays, so I'm not able to run off to a bar at a moment's notice.  They're still pretty much doing what they did in college....going out, getting drunk, bar hopping, parties, tons of social stuff, worrying about themselves, but instead of going to class, they go to a job.  I don't think any of our situations are "better" than the other, we've each just made different choices, but they've made me feel like an outsider because I'm not still living their same lifestyle.  Even when they were in my wedding, they weren't very involved and made the whole thing a bit of a negative experience.  I guess after that, I'm just content to let them go their own way and I don't hate them, but I don't keep in contact like I used to and have pretty much moved on.

  5. If you hate someone, it's just the same as being a murderer.

  6. u tend to dislike ur friends when ur expectations increase...

    remember one thing now a days people remember u as long as ur important to them..

    its life..move on

  7. This question is stupid. Why did you put this in etiquette?

  8. keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  9. i think it was cuz when i first moved to this country he was one of the only kids who spoke spanish n could talk to me.  even though he was such a d**k sumtimes, i kept being his friend cuz i knew him for too long.  hes in prison now though so i dont care no more.

  10. I hate people I know, but they're not my friends

  11. If I hated them they wouldn't be friends now, would they?

  12. No frenemies that I know about.

  13. people that hate you are not your friends.

  14. I don't hate my friends. I don't hate anyone.I do hate somethings that happened to me from a friend but I try not to think about it so I won't feel bad.Life is too short and it is bad for the health to think about bad things that happend. We can think about how God is going to give us double goodness for our trouble instead.  

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