
Do you have ghosts,...?

by  |  earlier

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in your place?




  1. Yes! His name is Aaron. He lived in my house before me and died as a teenager in his sleep due to water intoxication. We had a psychic come in. All she could say is just live with him. I did and still AM living with him. He never bothers me except when he steals some of my work supplies, but if YOU have a ghost that seems harmless, live with it.

  2. yes

  3. No.

  4. i did

    and people who say they don;t exist how would u know???

    gets one to know one mauhahahaha


    but seriously they do exist its no joke

  5. Only in my dreams...  

  6. No but I wish I could see one.

  7. nope

  8. Yes.... We've become friends for a year now. Her name is Mary, would you like to meet her? We only talk through mirrors though.

  9. fortunately not in our home now.  I have lived in a couple of haunted houses, however.  It wasn't a pretty sight.

  10. yes, we used to but they haven't bothered us. They just make noises. When we leave dirty dishes out or when I am in the basement I can hear someone in my bedroom which is on the main floor. We live in an old house.


  12. yep in my past three past three places and 3 schools no joke

  13. well we always say we do have one called george

    but i do think its real because sometimes things happen and no-one does them so the easiest way is to blame george

  14. Yes, They do exist, I think every where. I believe that you have to be on the same vibrational level to be aware of their presence. I think that most people at some time in their life do become aware, and choose either to believe or not.

  15. Yes i have a little boy, and I seen him. the first time i was outside like at 12 at night talking to my bf inside the car listing too music I was only 15.. and I seen him, It was so scary, but he never harms me, just things are alwaysmissingn if idon't disturb he don't disturb

  16. no, i

  17. no not right now

  18. No, but I had crabs once.

    Okay, twice.

  19. not in the house i am living now but did in my last two places it was cool but scary.  

  20. No but i have familywho have been haunted. When we were on holiday in America, my family told us the story of their niece who was killed in a car acciedent. After she died, items and furniture was moved around. And my    uncles feet where pricked by something during the night. One day when we were out and my mum was on her own, she was in a shower. Suddenly the door creeked open when she looked behind the shower curtain it creeked close on its own again. She didnt no what to do so she got dressed and waitied outside for 2 hours on her own. When my family talked to her, they said she should of gone to her shrine and litten the canals around it. That would of made her rest...for a while!!!

  21. eberyone has ghost's, i veiw them as demons to freak myself out more though

  22. no, not where I am now but the house I lived in for 17 years had one

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