
Do you have gut instincts?

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And do you always follow them?


I have it, but it kinda gets intertwined with paranoia, so I end up not listening to my instinct thinking it's paranoia and going with the "smart" thing to do which I end up regretting.




  1. Yes, but I don't always follow it.

  2. I get them all the time, and I do the exact same thing you do!

    I made a big mistake recently, not following my gut, but that's okay because I learned that from now on I will always trust my gut instinct.

  3. I use my brain for my thinking. My guts for digestion. Does not work the other way around.

  4. Yes I do, and I listen to my intuition. It has never steered me wrong.

    Cancer, Scorpio moon, Aquarius rising.

  5. Yeah I do the same thing as you. lol.

  6. I have very strong gut instincts.

    Sadly though, I ignore them. Completely dismissed if they aren't rational. I also end up regretting it, people think I'm heartless, that I don't have a heart. Which is pretty far from the truth. I just tune it out. Even when I try to listen to it, my mind overpowers it. Its just a little depressing

    Sun: Virgo

    Rising: Sagittarius

    Moon: Sagittarius

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