
Do you have herpes.....?

by Guest64189  |  earlier

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i do, how do u cope with them,,, any cremes???




  1. nope. talk to your doctor

  2. I dont have it. I've heard about Valtrex for herpes in a commercial, you really need to be asking a doctor, not us.

  3. no but i guess u do

  4. Herpes eh ,,,, well avoid the sun depending where you have them   lol avoid contact with another so you don't spread them and and get hepie cream at the drugstore if you are afraid to go to the doctor and really number thing was your ****** hand before and after you touch yourself  even when applying the cream...

  5. no i so not thanks to god. theres this great products  called omnilife. they work my friend had genital warts and she had a doctor vistit last month and they told her they were gone. so just go to there is this creme called oml ples gel. theres this product that you ave to drink called uzo and many more you can also contact the company and ask them what products you need to remove your herpes the number is 95120326-1363 its in austin texas

  6. Why is this question in fast food??? LOL. shouldn't it be in like health or somethin???  

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