
Do you have hot water on demand (tankless water heater)?

by  |  earlier

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Right now I have an old electric water heater ( 40 gallons). I feel like I need to update it. My electricity bill is crazy and I think the water heater is one of the biggest parts to blame. I was looking into the hot water on demand and that looks like a good option. I can't see anything wrong with it, but I'm sure there is negatives to it. Does anyone have hot water on demand, what are the good things and bad things that you have with it? Also do you need to buy an individual heater for each place that you need hot water (bathroom, kitchen, etc) or is one heater for the whole house fine?




  1. If you want quick hot water at each source, you will have to install a tank-less water heater at each location. The installation costs can be quite expensive since you have to pay for the heater plus the electrical line or the gas line to heat each tank-less water heater. Most people I know that have installed these tank-less systems have complained of tepid, rather than hot water.

    This an european invention where they do not actually expect hot water.

    An alternate system would be to install a timer that turns off your water heater when you do not need it, insulating the water heater and turning down the thermostat to 125 degrees.

  2. this can get very complex,  I think a very big determining factor is size of house,location of water supply to heater to end use. I've installed ouite afew of these things and depending on piping layout you can possibly spend more in water than what you save on elect. Theory is good but in practice I don't know- Ideally a unit at each point of use would be great ,virtually instant hot water and no wasted hot water but that would cost a fortune (a unit each bath , kit., util rm., etc.) I think you are much better off w/ new efficient reg unit, well insulated, pipies insulated rather than tankless, if done the point of use way could cost you thousands.

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