
Do you have housekeeping help?

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This is my sixth week with help once a week, and I love it.




  1. At 80, I'm still doing my own.but I'm considering having someone come in to do a good fall cleaning

  2. I envy you. I had & needed exactly what you have now.

    But she had to give it up due to medical problems ~ She was good & fast & 78.~ She cleaned some ones home 5 days a week for 6 solid hrs. non stop ~ She came to me by word of mouth.

    I long for the day to come soon, that I find someone like her again ~

    This woman didn't need to work ~ She actually loved to clean houses ~ She was a bit hyper & fast but good ~ I still see her every week or two at the beauty shop.

    Enjoy, Enjoy. I am so happy for you. God Bless you. ~~~~~

  3. I have someone to do my garden. But not inside the house because I love cleaning and ironing.

  4. No I don't but would like help.

  5. My husband . He will help with anything he can but being male it's pretty much like asking a toddler to help.  He's willing but not always able. Or he comes up with ideas like-- " we could make little coats for the cats out of Swiffers and then we wouldn't have to sweep under the beds".!!!  

  6. Yes.  She comes once every two weeks and does everything.  I love it.

    We don't need it every week -- we don't get it that dirty.

  7. No.  I only have one room & my bathroom, so it's not that difficult to keep clean.

    When I had a large home, I never had help.

    When I used to clean for other people, they seemed to not care about the cost.  

  8. I. Wish.

  9. Yep!

  10. No I clean my House and my kids have there chores.It would be nice but I have to me other bills to pay for.

  11. No , but I could use some help. The only good thing about house work is if I don't do it  is it will still be there when I get around to it.

  12. No I do not.

    Wish I did.

  13. I do!! and i'm pretty sure i love it more! coz i have them (2 ladies) 24/7. :))

  14. Yes I do.

    I've had a cleaning person come in once a week for about 5 years now.

    We keep the house tidy....and they keep it clean.

    I also love it.

  15. yes the company is molly maids and i love them they are helpful and gracious.  

  16. No my house is so packed in by my husband I don't think anyone will come in. URRGGGG.

  17. I have a cleaning lady every two weeks come in and do the hard stuff that I can't do. Like vacuuming the stairs, doing the floors and hauling the vacuum cleaner up and down the stairs.  I'm glad it have her.

  18. Yes I do. He picks up his feet when I need to vacuum under them. He also dusts the seat of the recliner with his butt and he cleans off the front steps and porch by bringing dirt and pebbles on his boots.  :-)

  19. Nope.. but with a just a few more years training my kids, I might.

  20. No, and unless I had a very large home to take care of and a job, I don't need one. So far I am able to take care of our home. During my convalenscence, my husband has been helping out tremendously. Lucky you though. I'm happy that you have some help. Enjoy! :) I use to clean homes for people years ago. It must have been really nice for my employers to come home to a clean, orderly home and be able to kick their shoes off and relax.  

  21. No, but always wanted some.  It's just to expensive.

  22. Yes, the same family for 27 years. When the wife had a stroke and was no longer able to clean, her husband continued. At age 78, he still comes twice a month and does a terrific job with floors. He isn't fond of dusting because he isn't sure what should be moved around or lifted, but we have worked out an agreeable arrangement and I know that it is unlikely that I will ever find someone else like that.  

  23. i live in a tenttherefore dont need so ... HA

    take that maids

  24. full time house keeper and one a week another comes in to do deep cleaning. I HATE housekeeping and I HATE cooking!  I do what I am good at...making enough money so I do not have to do what I hate doing! Works out well.! goldwing

  25. Yes, sort of.  My dog loves to take a rug from the hallway and drag it through the house.  He actually does a fairly good job of dusting the floors as he does it.  Now, if I can only get him to drag the Hoover around behind him!

  26. Yes Dinah, he is a handsom fella, my husband, I pay him well!!!

  27. Do you have friedns? I love to clean up, let me know aka need another job....

  28. My husband helps with the housework and with the cooking.

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