
Do you have ideas about daja vu?

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As many of us experience so frequently that it can't be ignored, the feeling of some situation, some moment, be it a place and conversation etc, have occured more than once. Term given for this is deja vu. Many psychologists are searching for its biological basis, but I want to share my feeling here.

You know, the situations when we have deja vu are specific. I say they ARE repeating, somehow. Suppose u met a fren and said, "Oh, what a good colour shirt!...." and thinking about the colour of your scooter of same colour. Now, suppose in this moment, you felt deja vu. But in reality it hasn't happened previously.

My question is, can it happen in FUTURE? The same situation, saying about colour of shirt and thinking about your scooter in the same line...? So that next time you have same situation, again you feel deja vu,...This time mind catching correctly as happening for second time?

Neurlolgists say that mind works in a specific way and its action can be predicted. Plz reply in short




  1. well i haven't read any literature on 'deja vu' as such. what i can tellu frm my experience is this,

    like u said deja vu is a feeling that the situation have occurred once in the past. but i have experienced certain moments which i had not experienced earlier,but i did experience them few years later.

    although the moment wasnt remarkable n dint influence my life during that time , i was really spooked by it.

    there is no explanations to such things, n we shouldnt think too much bout it i guess. like they say " sometimes ,**** happens "

  2. The term "déjà vu" (IPA:/deʒa vy/) (French for "already seen", also called paramnesia) describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate French concentrator at the University of Chicago. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangeness", or "weirdness". The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience "genuinely happened" in the past. Déjà vu has been described as "Remembering the future."

    The experience of déjà vu seems to be very common; in formal studies 70% or more of the population report having experienced it at least once. References to the experience of déjà vu are also found in literature of the past, indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to invoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies. Recently, researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis.

    According to Arthur Funkhouser there are three major types of déjà vu.

    Déjà vécu

    Usually translated ' already seen' or 'already lived through,' déjà vécu is described in a quotation from Charles Dickens:

    “ We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time – of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances – of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remember it!”

    When most people speak of déjà vu, they are actually experiencing déjà vécu. Surveys have revealed that as much as 70% of the population have had these experiences, usually between ages 15 to 25, when the mind is still subjectable to noticing the change in environment. The experience is usually related to a very banal event, but is so striking that it is remembered for years afterwards.

    Déjà vécu refers to an experience involving more than just sight, which is why labeling such "déjà vu" is usually inaccurate. The sense involves a great amount of detail, sensing that everything is just as it was before.

    More recently, the term déjà vécu has been used to describe very intense and persistent feelings of a déjà vu type, which occur as part of a memory disorder.

    Déjà senti

    This phenomenon specifies something 'already felt.' Unlike the implied precognition of déjà vécu, déjà senti is primarily or even exclusively a mental happening, has no precognitive aspects, and rarely if ever remains in the afflicted person's memory afterwards.

    Dr. John Hughlings Jackson recorded the words of one of his patients who suffered from temporal lobe or psychomotor epilepsy in an 1889 paper:

    “ What is occupying the attention is what has occupied it before, and indeed has been familiar, but has been for a time forgotten, and now is recovered with a slight sense of satisfaction as if it had been sought for. ... At the same time, or ... more accurately in immediate sequence, I am dimly aware that the recollection is fictitious and my state abnormal. The recollection is always started by another person's voice, or by my own verbalized thought, or by what I am reading and mentally verbalize; and I think that during the abnormal state I generally verbalize some such phrase of simple recognition as 'Oh yes – I see', 'Of course – I remember', but a minute or two later I can recollect neither the words nor the verbalized thought which gave rise to the recollection. I only find strongly that they resemble what I have felt before under similar abnormal conditions. ”

    As with Dr. Jackson's patient, some temporal-lobe epileptics may experience this phenomenon.

    Déjà visité

    This experience is less common and involves an uncanny knowledge of a new place. The translation is "already visited." Here one may know his or her way around in a new town or landscape while at the same time knowing that this should not be possible.

    Dreams, reincarnation and also out-of-body travel have been invoked to explain this phenomenon. Additionally, some suggest that reading a detailed account of a place can result in this feeling when the locale is later visited. Two famous examples of such a situation were described by Nathaniel Hawthorne in his book Our Old Home and Sir Walter Scott in Guy Mannering. Hawthorne recognized the ruins of a castle in England and later was able to trace the sensation to a piece written about the castle by Alexander Pope two hundred years earlier.

    C. G. Jung published an account of déjà visité in his 1952 paper On synchronicity.

    In order to distinguish déjà visité from déjà vécu, it is important to identify the source of the feeling. Déjà vécu is in reference to the temporal occurrences and processes, while déjà visité has more to do with geography and spatial relations.

    Scientific research

    In recent years, déjà vu has been subjected to serious psychological and neurophysiological research. The most likely explanation of déjà vu is that it is not an act of "precognition" or "prophecy", but rather an anomaly of memory; it is the impression that an experience is "being recalled".[citation needed] This explanation is substantiated by the fact that the sense of "recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where and how the earlier experience occurred) are quite uncertain. Likewise, as time passes, subjects can exhibit a strong recollection of having the "unsettling" experience of déjà vu itself, but little to no recollection of the specifics of the event(s) or circumstance(s) they were "remembering" when they had the déjà vu experience. In particular, this may result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the present) and those responsible for long-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past).

    Links with disorders

    A clinical correlation has been found between the experience of déjà vu and disorders such as schizophrenia and anxiety, and the likelihood of the experience considerably increases with subjects having these conditions. However, the strongest pathological association of déjà vu is with temporal lobe epilepsy. This correlation has led some researchers to speculate that the experience of déjà vu is possibly a neurological anomaly related to improper electrical discharge in the brain. As most people suffer a mild (i.e. non-pathological) epileptic episode regularly (e.g. the sudden "jolt", a hypnagogic jerk, that frequently occurs just prior to falling asleep), it is conjectured that a similar (mild) neurological aberration occurs in the experience of déjà vu, resulting in an erroneous sensation of memory.


    It has been reported that certain recreational drugs increase the chances of déjà vu occurring in the user. Some pharmaceutical drugs, when taken together, have also been implicated in the cause of déjà vu. Taiminen and Jääskeläinen (2001) reported the case of an otherwise healthy male who started experiencing intense and recurrent sensations of déjà vu on taking the drugs amantadine and phenylpropanolamine together to relieve flu symptoms. He found the experience so interesting that he completed the full course of his treatment and reported it to the psychologists to write-up as a case study. Due to the dopaminergic action of the drugs and previous findings from electrode stimulation of the brain (e.g. Bancaud, Brunet-Bourgin, Chauvel, & Halgren, 1994), Taiminen and Jääskeläinen speculate that déjà vu occurs as a result of hyperdopaminergic action in the mesial temporal areas of the brain.

    Memory-based explanations

    The similarity between a déjà vu-eliciting stimulus and an existing, but different, memory trace may lead to the sensation. Thus, encountering something which evokes the implicit associations of an experience or sensation that cannot be remembered may lead to déjà vu. In an effort to experimentally reproduce the sensation, Banister and Zangwill (1941) used hypnosis to give participants posthypnotic amnesia suggestions for material they had already seen. When this was later re-encountered, the restricted activation caused by the posthypnotic amnesia resulted in three of the 10 participants reporting what the authors termed paramnesias. Memory-based explanations may lead to the development of a number of non-invasive experimental methods by which a long sought-after analogue of déjà vu can be reliably produced that would allow it to be tested under well-controlled experimental conditions.

    Neural theories

    In the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, it was widely believed that déjà vu could be caused by the mis-timing of neuronal firing. This timing error was thought to lead the brain to believe that it was encountering a stimulus for the second time, when in fact, it was simply re-experiencing the same event from a slightly delayed source. A number of variations of these theories exist, with miscommunication of the two cerebral hemispheres and abnormally fast neuronal firing also given as explanations for the sensation. Perhaps the most widely acknowledged neuronal theory is the optical pathway delay theory which explains déjà vu as being the product of a delayed optical input from one eye. Closely following the input from the first eye (when it should be simultaneous), this misleads conscious awareness and suggests a sensation of familiarity when there should not be one. Although intuitively plausible, this theory is untestable due to the minute times involved in neuronal firing, and inconsistent with reports that blind individuals experience déjà vu in the same way as sighted individuals (O'Connor & Moulin, 2006).


    Déjà vu is associated with precognition, clairvoyance or extra-sensory perceptions, and it is frequently cited as evidence for "psychic" abilities in the general population. Non-scientific explanations attribute the experience to prophecy, visions (such as received in dreams) or past-life memories. by T.kBaller


    Some believe déjà vu is the memory of dreams. Though the majority of dreams are never remembered, a dreaming person can display activity in the areas of the brain that process long-term memory. It has been speculated that dreams read directly into long-term memory, bypassing short-term memory entirely. In this case, déjà vu might be a memory of a forgotten dream with elements in common with the current waking experience. This may be similar to another phenomenon known as déjà rêvé, or "already dreamed."

    Not only is the link to dreams as they pertain to déjà vu the subject of scientific and psychological studies, it is also a subject of spiritual texts, as is found in, for example, in the writings of the Bahá'í Faith with quotes like "...perchance when ten years are gone, thou wilt witness in the outer world the very things thou hast dreamed tonight." and "Behold how the thing which thou hast seen in thy dream is, after a considerable lapse of time, fully realized."


    Those believing in reincarnation theorize that déjà vu is caused by fragments of past-life memories being jarred to the surface of the mind by familiar surroundings or people. Others theorize that the phenomenon is caused by astral projection, or out-of-body experiences (OBEs), where it is possible that individuals have visited places while in their astral bodies during sleep. The sensation may also be interpreted as connected to the fulfillment of a condition as seen or felt in a premonition. For further cases of remembering information from past lives, see Ian Stevenson.


  4. I recall reading a neuroscience textbook years ago that claims that it's misfiring of neurons in the brain.

  5. Its called delayed electric shock syndrome some one ******** your head up with a stun gun.

  6. the area of the brain responsible for deja vu, deja visite, and deja suenci, was identified long ago. I've read the other answers, and I disagree. I don't recall ever seeing any other explanation of why 75% of all people experience this "seen before" phenomonon, other than it is the result of the poverty of our human brain.

  7. Sure I told you this Before that you just wouldn't listen so now stop take a deep breath and sure I told this Before its very similar to Breathing Just remember to keep doing it and you'll be able to recall that Sure I told you this before! foresure Peter

  8. The term "déjà vu" (IPA:/deʒa vy/) (French for "already seen", also called paramnesia) describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate French concentrator at the University of Chicago. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangeness", or "weirdness". The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience "genuinely happened" in the past. Déjà vu has been described as "Remembering the future."

    The experience of déjà vu seems to be very common; in formal studies 70% or more of the population report having experienced it at least once. References to the experience of déjà vu are also found in literature of the past, indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to invoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies. Recently, researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis

    Types of déjà vu

    According to Arthur Funkhouser there are three major types of déjà vu.[2]

    [edit] Déjà vécu

    Usually translated ' already seen' or 'already lived through,' déjà vécu is described in a quotation from Charles Dickens:

    “ We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time – of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances – of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remember it![3] ”

    When most people speak of déjà vu, they are actually experiencing déjà vécu. Surveys have revealed that as much as 70% of the population have had these experiences, usually between ages 15 to 25, when the mind is still subjectable to noticing the change in environment.[4] The experience is usually related to a very banal event, but is so striking that it is remembered for years afterwards.

    Déjà vécu refers to an experience involving more than just sight, which is why labeling such "déjà vu" is usually inaccurate. The sense involves a great amount of detail, sensing that everything is just as it was before.

    More recently, the term déjà vécu has been used to describe very intense and persistent feelings of a déjà vu type, which occur as part of a memory disorder.[5]

    [edit] Déjà senti

    This phenomenon specifies something 'already felt.' Unlike the implied precognition of déjà vécu, déjà senti is primarily or even exclusively a mental happening, has no precognitive aspects, and rarely if ever remains in the afflicted person's memory afterwards.

    Dr. John Hughlings Jackson recorded the words of one of his patients who suffered from temporal lobe or psychomotor epilepsy in an 1889 paper:

    “ What is occupying the attention is what has occupied it before, and indeed has been familiar, but has been for a time forgotten, and now is recovered with a slight sense of satisfaction as if it had been sought for. ... At the same time, or ... more accurately in immediate sequence, I am dimly aware that the recollection is fictitious and my state abnormal. The recollection is always started by another person's voice, or by my own verbalized thought, or by what I am reading and mentally verbalize; and I think that during the abnormal state I generally verbalize some such phrase of simple recognition as 'Oh yes – I see', 'Of course – I remember', but a minute or two later I can recollect neither the words nor the verbalized thought which gave rise to the recollection. I only find strongly that they resemble what I have felt before under similar abnormal conditions. ”

    As with Dr. Jackson's patient, some temporal-lobe epileptics may experience this phenomenon.

    [edit] Déjà visité

    This experience is less common and involves an uncanny knowledge of a new place. The translation is "already visited." Here one may know his or her way around in a new town or landscape while at the same time knowing that this should not be possible.

    Dreams, reincarnation and also out-of-body travel have been invoked to explain this phenomenon. Additionally, some suggest that reading a detailed account of a place can result in this feeling when the locale is later visited. Two famous examples of such a situation were described by Nathaniel Hawthorne in his book Our Old Home[6] and Sir Walter Scott in Guy Mannering.[7] Hawthorne recognized the ruins of a castle in England and later was able to trace the sensation to a piece written about the castle by Alexander Pope two hundred years earlier.

    C. G. Jung published an account of déjà visité in his 1952 paper On synchronicity.[8]

    In order to distinguish déjà visité from déjà vécu, it is important to identify the source of the feeling. Déjà vécu is in reference to the temporal occurrences and processes, while déjà visité has more to do with geography and spatial relations.

    [edit] Scientific research

    In recent years, déjà vu has been subjected to serious psychological and neurophysiological research. The most likely explanation of déjà vu is that it is not an act of "precognition" or "prophecy", but rather an anomaly of memory; it is the impression that an experience is "being recalled".[citation needed] This explanation is substantiated by the fact that the sense of "recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where and how the earlier experience occurred) are quite uncertain. Likewise, as time passes, subjects can exhibit a strong recollection of having the "unsettling" experience of déjà vu itself, but little to no recollection of the specifics of the event(s) or circumstance(s) they were "remembering" when they had the déjà vu experience. In particular, this may result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the present) and those responsible for long-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past).

    [edit] Links with disorders

    A clinical correlation has been found between the experience of déjà vu and disorders such as schizophrenia and anxiety,[9] and the likelihood of the experience considerably increases with subjects having these conditions. However, the strongest pathological association of déjà vu is with temporal lobe epilepsy.[10][11] This correlation has led some researchers to speculate that the experience of déjà vu is possibly a neurological anomaly related to improper electrical discharge in the brain. As most people suffer a mild (i.e. non-pathological) epileptic episode regularly (e.g. the sudden "jolt", a hypnagogic jerk, that frequently occurs just prior to falling asleep), it is conjectured that a similar (mild) neurological aberration occurs in the experience of déjà vu, resulting in an erroneous sensation of memory.

    [edit] Pharmacology

    It has been reported that certain recreational drugs increase the chances of déjà vu occurring in the user. Some pharmaceutical drugs, when taken together, have also been implicated in the cause of déjà vu. Taiminen and Jääskeläinen (2001) reported the case of an otherwise healthy male who started experiencing intense and recurrent sensations of déjà vu on taking the drugs amantadine and phenylpropanolamine together to relieve flu symptoms. He found the experience so interesting that he completed the full course of his treatment and reported it to the psychologists to write-up as a case study. Due to the dopaminergic action of the drugs and previous findings from electrode stimulation of the brain (e.g. Bancaud, Brunet-Bourgin, Chauvel, & Halgren, 1994), Taiminen and Jääskeläinen speculate that déjà vu occurs as a result of hyperdopaminergic action in the mesial temporal areas of the brain.

    [edit] Memory-based explanations

    The similarity between a déjà vu-eliciting stimulus and an existing, but different, memory trace may lead to the sensation. Thus, encountering something which evokes the implicit associations of an experience or sensation that cannot be remembered may lead to déjà vu. In an effort to experimentally reproduce the sensation, Banister and Zangwill (1941) used hypnosis to give participants posthypnotic amnesia suggestions for material they had already seen. When this was later re-encountered, the restricted activation caused by the posthypnotic amnesia resulted in three of the 10 participants reporting what the authors termed paramnesias. Memory-based explanations may lead to the development of a number of non-invasive experimental methods by which a long sought-after analogue of déjà vu can be reliably produced that would allow it to be tested under well-controlled experimental conditions.

    [edit] Neural theories

    In the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, it was widely believed that déjà vu could be caused by the mis-timing of neuronal firing. This timing error was thought to lead the brain to believe that it was encountering a stimulus for the second time, when in fact, it was simply re-experiencing the same event from a slightly delayed source. A number of variations of these theories exist, with miscommunication of the two cerebral hemispheres and abnormally fast neuronal firing also given as explanations for the sensation. Perhaps the most widely acknowledged neuronal theory is the optical pathway delay theory which explains déjà vu as being the product of a delayed optical input from one eye. Closely following the input from the first eye (when it should be simultaneous), this misleads conscious awareness and suggests a sensation of familiarity when there should not be one. Although intuitively plausible, this theory is untestable due to the minute times involved in neuronal firing, and inconsistent with reports that blind individuals experience déjà vu in the same way as sighted individuals (O'Connor & Moulin, 2006).

    [edit] Parapsychology

    Déjà vu is associated with precognition, clairvoyance or extra-sensory perceptions, and it is frequently cited as evidence for "psychic" abilities in the general population. Non-scientific explanations attribute the experience to prophecy, visions (such as received in dreams) or past-life memories. by T.kBaller

    [edit] Dreams

    Some believe déjà vu is the memory of dreams. Though the majority of dreams are never remembered, a dreaming person can display activity in the areas of the brain that process long-term memory. It has been speculated that dreams read directly into long-term memory, bypassing short-term memory entirely. In this case, déjà vu might be a memory of a forgotten dream with elements in common with the current waking experience. This may be similar to another phenomenon known as déjà rêvé, or "already dreamed."

    Not only is the link to dreams as they pertain to déjà vu the subject of scientific and psychological studies, it is also a subject of spiritual texts, as is found in, for example, in the writings of the Bahá'í Faith with quotes like "...perchance when ten years are gone, thou wilt witness in the outer world the very things thou hast dreamed tonight."[12] and "Behold how the thing which thou hast seen in thy dream is, after a considerable lapse of time, fully realized."[13]

    [edit] Reincarnation

    Those believing in reincarnation theorize that déjà vu is caused by fragments of past-life memories being jarred to the surface of the mind by familiar surroundings or people. Others theorize that the phenomenon is caused by astral projection, or out-of-body experiences (OBEs), where it is possible that individuals have visited places while in their astral bodies during sleep. The sensation may also be interpreted as connected to the fulfillment of a condition as seen or felt in a premonition. For further cases of remembering information from past lives, see Ian Stevenson.

    [edit] Related phenomena

    [edit] Jamais vu

    Main article: Jamais vu

    Jamais vu is a term in psychology (from the French, meaning "never seen") which is used to describe any familiar situation which is not recognised by the observer.

    Often described as the opposite of déjà vu, jamais vu involves a sense of eeriness and the observer's impression of seeing the situation for the first time, despite rationally knowing that he or she has been in the situation before.

    Jamais vu is more commonly explained as when a person momentarily does not recognize a word, person, or place that they already know.

    Jamais vu is sometimes associated with certain types of amnesia and epilepsy.

    Theoretically, as seen below, a jamais vu feeling in a sufferer of a delirious disorder or intoxication could result in a delirious explanation of it, such as in the Capgras delusion, in which the patient takes a person known by him/her for a false double or impostor. If the impostor is himself, the clinical setting would be the same as the one described as depersonalisation, hence jamais vus of oneself or of the very "reality of reality", are termed depersonalisation (or irreality) feelings.

    The Timesonline reports:

    “ Chris Moulin, of Leeds University, asked 92 volunteers to write out "door" 30 times in 60 seconds. At the International Conference on Memory in Sydney last week he reported that 68 per cent of the volunteers showed symptoms of jamais vu, such as beginning to doubt that "door" was a real word. Dr Moulin believes that a similar brain fatigue underlies a phenomenon observed in some schizophrenia patients: that a familiar person has been replaced by an impostor. Dr Moulin suggests they could be suffering from chronic jamais vu. [1] ”

    [edit] Presque vu

    Presque vu (from French, meaning "almost seen") is the sensation of being on the brink of an epiphany. Often very disorienting and distracting, presque vu rarely leads to an actual breakthrough. Frequently, one experiencing presque vu will say that they have something "on the tip of their tongue."

    Presque vu is often cited by people who suffer from epilepsy or other seizure-related brain conditions, such as temporal lobe lability.

    [edit] L'esprit de l'escalier

    Full article at L'esprit de l'escalier.

    L'esprit de l'escalier (from French, "staircase spirit") is remembering something when it is too late. For example, a clever come-back to a remark, thought of after the conversation has ended. Another example for this is when you're about to take a test and you know everything, but, when it begins, you forget all that you've learned; after taking the test you remember absolutely everything that you had forgotten while taking it.

    [edit] Popular references


    At the end of the third episode of the third season of the television series Lost, Hurley claims to experience déjà vu when John Locke makes a speech of saving Jack, Kate and Sawyer from The Others. The déjà vu experience he claimed was due to the fact that Desmond spoke of this speech (while apparently disoriented) with Hurley just minutes before it happened.

    An episode of U.S. Acres (in the Garfield and Friends cartoon) centers on déjà vu, showing the characters realizing their actions are occurring repeatedly. In another episode, Orson is organizing his bookshelf. After getting a book called "Déjà vu: the sensation that you are doing something that you've done before", he gets another book with the same title, and another, and another, until someone interrupts him.

    A Monty Python sketch features Michael Palin hosting a documentary on deja vu. The program continually restarts, making Michael Palin's character anxious that he is suffering from deja vu.

    The Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Cause and Effect has the crew experiencing deja vu while caught in a time loop.

    In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Becoming, Part One", Buffy experiences a déjà vu when a pencil rolls down a desk. She re-enacts the event, resulting in finding a floppy disk containing information that turns out to be very valuable.

    The first season finale of Charmed, "Deja Vu All Over Again", the sisters deal with a warlock who works with a time demon to keep resetting the day when he fails to kill the sisters. Phoebe Halliwell, who has the ability of premonition, senses the repetitions and helps the other sisters, Prue and Piper, in recognizing the situation.

    In the X-Files episode "Monday", a woman experiences the same Monday repeatedly because her boyfriend blows up a bank with a bomb during a robbery because agents Mulder and Dana Scully were not able to stop the explosion. The only way Mulder could stop the bomb is by recognizing and acting on his feelings of déjà vu.

    In the episode Speak No Evil in the animated series My Life as a Teenage Robot while Jenny is attempting to put out a fire a giant globe rolls off (which is reminiscent of an earlier scene) Jenny says in an accented voice Deja Vu.


    In the 1980 horror classic The Shining, the hotel's caretaker Jack expresses a feeling of déjà vu, stating that he feels he has been to the hotel.

    The 1993 film Groundhog Day documents a rather pertinent (to the main character, at least) representation of this phenomenon. The character also asks the Hotel Manager if she ever has dejavu

    Déjà vu is a 1989 Polish-Soviet comedy film by Juliusz Machulski.

    In the 1999 film The Matrix, the character of Neo experiences déjà vu when he sees a black cat go past twice in a row. Trinity explains to Neo that "a déjà vu is usually a glitch in the matrix" which occurs when the machines change something inside the matrix (see simulated reality).

    The 2006 film Déjà Vu directed by Tony Scott and starring Denzel Washington explores the phenomenon as an aspect of an anti−terror investigation.


    Van Halen has a song titled Take Me Back (Deja Vu) on their album Balance

    Dionne Warwick had a Top 20 hit single, "Deja Vu" in 1979.

    Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young recorded a song called "Deja Vu" for an album of the same name in 1970. The song's recurring theme was David Crosby singing "... and I feel like I've been here before."

    "Déjà Vu" is also the name of an Iron Maiden song, on the album Somewhere In Time (1986), about this phenomenon.

    "Déjà Vu" is a 2006 song by Beyoncé Knowles featuring Jay-Z.

    "Déjà Vu" is a song by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

    "Déjà Vu" is a song by the Brazilian singer Pitty.

    The band Ace of Base recorded a song titled "My Déjà Vu" on their 1995 album "The Bridge".

    Lord Tariq and Peter Gunz recorded in 1997 a song titled "Déja Vu (Uptown Baby)." It contains a brass section sample from Jerry Rivera's "Amores Como El Nuestro" that can also be heard on the recent single from Shakira, "Hips Don't Lie".

    "Déjà vu" is a song by Australian band Something for Kate.

    American singer/songwriter John Fogerty wrote a song called "Déjà Vu (All Over Again)."

    "Déjà Vu" is a 1988 song by Yngwie Malmsteen.

    "Déjà Vu" is a song written and performed by The Bee Gees, on the album 'This is Where I came in'.

    Alternative rock band Brand New named their second album, released in 2003, Deja Entendu, meaning "already heard".

    There is a New Zealand rock band going by the name Deja Voodoo.

    "Déjà Voodoo" is a composition by virtuoso bassist Michael Manring off of his 1991 album Drastic Measures.

    "Strange Deja Vu" is a song by the band Dream Theater from their concept album, Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory in which the lead singer has a dream where he walks through a house and sees himself in a mirror as a young girl, which later on the albums turns out is himself in a former life, and that he (as the girl, Victoria) was murdered.

    "Miss Deja Vu" is a track by Lootpack (West Coast purist revivalist Hip-Hop Crew) that appears on their album The Lost Tapes (2003)

    Deja Vu is mentioned on the hip hop duo's Pete Rock and CL Smooth famous song "They Reminisce Over You". They say "deja vu/tell me what cha gonna do/when they reminisce over you/".

    "Jamais Vu" is a track on Catch Without Arms, an album by the progressive alternative band, dredg.


    Comedian George Carlin invented an alternate phenomenon he called vujà dé, or "the feeling that somehow, none of this has ever happened before!" a term already exists for this sensation jamais vu.

    The end of an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus is a repeating sketch about déjà vu.

    The song titled "Sweat" by the band Tool refers to deja vu - "Seems Like I've been here before, Seems like i'm slippin' Into a Dream Within a Dream"


    Déjà vu is a Silver Age Batman villain.


    Yogi Berra said, "It's like déjà vu all over again" (one of many famous Yogiisms.)

    Although stuck in Japanese Language Mode Jenny Wakeman says in English dejavu in Speak No Evil (My Life as a Teenage Robot)


    Remembrance of Things Past or In Search of Lost Time (depending on translation), a novel by Marcel Proust, which unravels the narrator's life by way of four moments of déjà vu, also known as involuntary memory experience recall. Through these moments, the narrator recaptures large portions of his forgotten past.

    "That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French," a short story by Stephen King, which deals with a subject's horrifying déjà vu experiences.

    Déjà vu, presque vu and jamais vu (Already seen, almost seen and never seen) are mentioned in Joseph Heller's 1961 novel Catch-22 and play a large role in Kim Stanley Robinson's 1996 novel Blue Mars.

    In the novel Choke, the narrator often visits a nursing home/mental hospital and describes seeing, and eventually even feeling it for himself, jamais vu.

    In Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Carnivorous Carnival, In Chapter Five (Page 103) it references déjà vu and the page after is the exact same page.

    Computer games

    Deja Vu is a computer game running on mac and other platforms. NES game published by Seika.

    Deja Vu (and its sequel, Deja Vu The Remix) is a computer game for the ZX Spectrum by Andrew Daly, apparently named for its similarity to certain older games.

    Chrono Lord Deja in World of Warcraft is an enemy of players of the game and a part of a time-traveling flight of dragons named the Infinite.

    In The Secret of Monkey Island, Guybrush Threepwood states "Déjà vu" as he first sees the mysterious island of Monkey Island.

    The Internet (Deja News) was a web-based usenet archive purchased by Google, and now called Google Groups, although it can still be accessed via


    Déjà vu is a Giant Inverted Boomerang ("Super Invertigo") roller coaster by Vekoma that is operating at Six Flags Great America, Six Flags Magic Mountain and Six Flags Over Georgia.

    Deja Blue is a spring water bottled by Cadbury Schweppes and sold throughout the United States.

    A take off of George Carlin's phrase Vujà Dé, is: "Déjà vu: Thinking that something has happened before, but knowing that it has not. Vujà Dé: Knowing that something has happened before, and wishing that it hadn't." (Such as a bad family reunion)

    Déjà Blue is the name of a commercial airplane owned by JetBlue Airways.

    Déjà vu was the title of one of the best Performing Arts Festival of IIT Bombay till date

  9. I thought I answered this already.

  10. Didn't you ask that question before?

  11. Look into Remote Viewing. As to how this is possible might be because there is something about us that is immortal and always present that gives us a certain amount of intuition or second sight. Many may even believe we have had previous and future lives etc. Maybe some of us were extraterrestrials at one time also. Others might really believe we live in a program or Matrix.

  12. yeah

  13. I often dream things beforehand and then they happen. Small things, like looking at something at a certain angle, or hearing a joke. I get that commonly. I don't know if I am actually seeing the future at all since I never seem to remember the dream until it does happen. I have a strong feeling of time, like yes I did this WAY before. I'd like to think otherwise, but the other answer to the question so far says it's a misfiring of the brain. While I doubt it, I cannot and would not eliminate this as a possibility.

  14. It's a misfiring in your brain, causing your brain to file a new experience as a repeated one.  That's all.

  15. refer wikipedia

  16. Deja vu means you are basically recalling a circumstance at the same time you are remembering it. It's pretty well understood and explained. Here's something from YAHOO answers.

  17. No, you cannot see the future.

  18. hey if u r beleaving in sprituality then its very easy to say

    THIS OCCURANCE OF HAVING SEEN SOME THING BEFORE @ im of occurance is wats ur question but my friend i have been getting this ttype of experience once in a week and the situation i pass through is i have went through twice or thrice already

    this is a beginning to spirutuality for more queries about this topic   the right person who an give u the answer is        

    where u wil get all the querries answerd do check out his profile and thier wil be a tag to contact him so click it and ask him question and u wil get the reply

  19. Ummhum.........sorry.

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