
Do you have kids at secondary school ( U.K ) ?

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My daughter is due to start Secondary tomorrow and I'm in the process of sorting through all the guff that she needs to take with her tomorrow..forms..etc.

My Q is does your child's school ask that you donate an amount to their 'Amenities' fund every month?

We are asked to contribute between £15 and £60 per month.

It's a catholic school so we have always had to donate about £20 a year because they have less funding than non faith schools. But PER MONTH? Bloody h**l...the uniform cost nearly £300 :-(

Is this common practice now?




  1. I go to a grammer school in Sutton Coldfield and they ask of around a hundered pounds a year so yes I would say you're being overcharged

  2. Crikey! My son starts at a catholic secondry school next year & i've never heard anything about this & so far any money they've needed at primary school has been a voluntary contribution (unless it was for a school trip etc)

  3. If it is a state school, it is illegal for the school to demand payment.  They can ask for contributions but these are voluntary and no pressure should be put on you or your child if you choose not to pay or cannot afford to pay.  Many schools got in trouble last year for trying to force parents to pay these costs as a condition of entry to the school.

    The Catholic church is one of the richest institutions in the world so can afford to add this bit extra to fund its own schools.  it is not acceptable that they are putting pressure on hard pressed parents to spend even more dosh!!  

  4. i am the kid that goes to secondary school, god sake how much do the school need.

    i think you have been riped off big time!!!

  5. WHAT ????   feck no, my kids go to a catholic primary and we pay £10 a year to help with funding which i was surprised about, but there is no way on gods earth i would pay £15 monthly never mind £60, christ someone somewhere is taking the p!ss.

  6. My step son is at a comprehensive and we don't have to pay any extras except for trips.  But when I was a kid it drove my mum mad that she had to make 'voluntary' donations to my grammar school!

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