
Do you have less respect?

by Guest32716  |  earlier

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For people who get information from television? Or would you prefer someone who got it from a book? For instance would you tell someone you found out information from the discovery channel?




  1. Information gained is information gained...  regardless of the means as long as it is some what credible!!!

  2. As long as it was valid info I wouldn't care where they got it from, I would like to think that if someone is interested in something they see on tv that they would investigate it further on the 'net & in the library.

  3. I think both are very informative and I would not judge a person who received their information from either source. Accurate information can be received from various sources and I'm not concerned about the source only the accuracy of the information.

  4. the TV is a conduit for people with money to show you what they want to show you. once you figure that out you have pity for those who fail to see it.

  5. What is the difference... It is really all about comprehension and where you get the info from is up to you.... If you do not believe the information then it is up to you to study further..

    I love the discovery channel. It sure has prooved to be reliable  in the past.

  6. As long as it is fact and not opinion, then okay. A lot of people take things like Jon Stewart for news, but it's slanted news. The Discovery and History channels are usually just straight-out reporting. But books have slants too. All that matters is that you keep an open mind, no matter what you're reading/watching.

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