
Do you have more information on the Palin library story?

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I have previously been a supporter of Palin. I have heavily criticized those who used the personal life of her daughter as political fodder. In the past, I have said I would rather have Palin than McCain as POTUS. I have long opposed McCain because I cannot forgive him for McCain-Feingold. One thing I cannot tolerate is censorship - by anyone. According to this Time story she tried to ban books in her local library as mayor. If this story is true, Palin has become an enemy of mine. Palin defenders, if you have sources of information that counter this story about her trying to ban books in her local library post them. Palin enemies, if you have sources of information that back this up post them.,8816,1837918,00.html

If you do not believe that I once said I would rather have Palin than McCain look at this question:;_ylt=Ak3vMKGRh_3mRZirYSE6Pv_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080831071451AA4yuZn




  1. Dude you can look at her bio and easily see she is a crazed book burner.  She wants to make parent's decisions for them, because she did such a good job with her kid.




  2. It's an excellent question, and a troubling point indeed.

    My google has no information on its first few pages older than yesterday. But, then again, the press has only had since last Friday to go after her record.

    Banning books is as un-American as it gets, if you ask me.

    Even crappy, hateful ones.

  3. just take this article at face value time is part of time warner which is part of cnn and is partially controlled by ted turner one of the biggest liberals out there. also at one time ted was married to hanoi jane fonda. i have never seen the media so quickly try to destroy a person who supports family values. they spent allot time trying to defend the rev wright and all of obama's shady friends to protect him. why not stand up for someone who believes in something not someone who believes what the party tells him the polls say today.

  4. really that is nothing more than a left wing, liberal, inference, not substantiated by anyone at anytime. Stop being so gullible. let me repeat INFERENCE!

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