
Do you have nightmares over the thought of David Cameron becoming future PM ?

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no hibee he's the leader of the oppostion in the future he may become PM who knows someone might oust him, but until that day he is simply conservative leader......... :)




  1. Yes i do.

  2. yea, isn't there any decent politicians out there?

  3. No I do not..

  4. Not at all; i think his administration would make all the tough decisions New Labour are too lily-livered and scared to undertake. And they have already said resources should be shared out more on a needs basis; rather than just giving everything to minority focus groups !!

  5. Yes I do........If people want to go back to 3,000,000+ unemployed and 17% interest rates, not to mention 35p base income tax rate, vote Cameron in (they were also opposed to the minimum wage) - John Major lost the 1997 election by a landslide majority for a reason.

    Conservatives - Making the rich richer

    Note: For any pro conservatives out there, the answer is I CAN remember the last tory government, and if you think this country's in a state now, by christ you don't know you're born, THINGS CAN AND PROBABLY WILL GET WORSE...........all I can say is vote for that prat Cameron if you have my sympathy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you have been warned.


    (Rob Roy - I assume you can't remember as far back as the Thatcher & Major years then..................research previous tory're fine with them as long as you're well off, if not YOU ARE SCREWED)

  6. No. He'll be brilliant.

  7. Could anyone be worse than this clown Brown ?. Cameron is far from perfect but then most of those we elect to Parliament  are basically rubbish we never seem to learn or are too lazy to take an interest. Whilst on paper this government have not raised income tax they have raised every other tax by so called stealth. Still Dan B at least has rose coloured spectacles !.

  8. Yes, and I also have nightmare visions of naive people celebrating him coming into power going 'Hooray!!! Things are gonna change for the better now!!!!' and genuinely believing it.

    Same with Obama in America.

  9. Not all all.  The ONLY thing that gives me nightmares is the thought of this shower getting re-elected.

    With the amount of labour luvvies posting this just might be the case - unless of course they build more psychiatric hospitals!!!!!!!!!

  10. Hasn't he already become future PM?

  11. Hello,

    (ANS) The "only talent" David Cameron has is at being shallow and telling off Gordon Brown as if he was public school boy prefect. The reason David Cameron constantly criticizes the Prime Minister is because in doing so it takes the focus & attention off the Tory party's total lack of any credible policies.

    **Cameron might be quick to criticize Gordon Brown but its totally clear he has NOTHING better or inspiring to offer the public.

    **If the conservatives did get into power at the next general election (god help us!!) I would think we would end up far worse off. The Tory's have nothing better to offer and this is why so many people are skeptical and cynical & very disillusioned with party politics.

    **The problem is that a) Gordon Brown only became PM by becoming the replacement leader of New Labor after Blair finally stepped down, b) He was never elected directly by the British public and this shows, c) Brown doesn't have the right skills or qualities to be a good PM, sadly he is a weak PM.

    **The present PM is still following the same policies as Tony Blair pursued and these policies were those of Thatcherism in a slightly modified form i.e. new labor Thatcherism if you like. This is the worst of all positions to be end up in. New Labor is empty of new ideas that much is obvious to any sane & intelligent person. The next general election will be critical.


  12. I have nightmares about any future PM we might have.  Labour are a disgrace, but I can never see the Tories doing any better.

  13. No!

  14. No, i cant be worse than Gordon brown....can it? oh i'm worried!

  15. I can sleep soundly. It's never going to happen thank F**K.

  16. Not at all. The sooner we get a conservative government back in, the better. I was definitely better off under Thatcher, and I'm just a working class lad. Mind you, I wouldn't rule Dave Davis out of the running as PM.

  17. Doesn't he want to get rid of state grammar schools, but keep private ones?

    That's not a way of bringing further disadvantage to lower classes. Nope.

  18. Yes, very much..

  19. No, because I can't believe that it would ever happen. Surely people's memories can't be so bad that they have forgotten what it was like to live under a conservative government.

  20. no he would do a good job

  21. On the contrary.  Whilst I don't find myself bubbling with enthusiasm at the prospect, I can't help feeling that the sooner we get read of this bunch of con-men the better.

  22. No, Gordon Brown is far worse,

  23. Can't see it happening - but then again we did have John  Major.......

  24. He's better than your shoddy labour government mate. i can't think of a single thing either Tony Blair or Gordan Brown has done right since they came into power.

    i might not like Cameron personally but I'm still going to vote for him because he will do a far FAR better job than labour.

    You stupid bugger

  25. No, not at all - things can only get better with him as PM.  I see there are still a lot of dinosaurs around who try to scare people by making comparisons between this Tory party and ones of old - what a load of rubbish those lefties spout!  Today's Tory party is nothing like those of the past - just look at the manifestos - they're there for everyone to read, except those who won't bother and want to stay in the dark ages!

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