
Do you have or like Vonage as your phone carrier?

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Do you have or like Vonage as your phone carrier?




  1. I have had Vonage for several years now and I don't have any complaints.

    Even when I go out of town and forget to pay my bill, they never shut the service off.

    I have never had big problems and I got to keep my same number.

    The extras are outstanding.

    I love Vonage.

  2. VIOP is mostly all the same, the real determinaing factor is the actual brouad band provider, like if youre using comacast, or AT/T DSL, how close are you to the switching station, how loaded is the system, how bad are electral storms; things like that.

    - Other wise, the phone servcie is carried piggy-back in the broadband service, they're pretty well matched these days.  

    Figure out how good your B Band connection is and that will answer if you'll like Viop, overall.

  3. My friends like Vonnage.  If there is a power outage, their phone doesn't work, tho.  That's the only bad thing. /

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